Tibetan Buddhism enjoyed much state patronage during the Mongol Yuan and the Manchu Qing dynasties. Both contemporaries and modern scholars have commonly regarded the Mongolian policy towards Tibetan lamas as excessive reverence. In 1792 the Qianlong emperor distanced his Tibetan policies from those of the Yuan dynasty in his famous “Discourse on Lamas”. However, despite the differences there exists an obvious continuity between the Mongol and Manchu dynasties in their policies towards Tibet and Tibetan Buddhism.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationSt. Petersburg Annual of Asian and African Studies
PublisherErgon-Verlag GmbH
ISBN (Print)978-5-89913-883-2
StatePublished - 2012

    Research areas

  • Buddhism, Lamaism, Mongols, Manchus, Tibet, sociology of religion

ID: 4617607