Pion emission from the T2K replica target: method, results and application. / Abgrall, N.; Aduszkiewicz, A.; Anticic, T.; Antoniou, N.; Argyriades, J.; Baatar, B.; Blondel, A.; Blumer, J.; Bogomilov, M.; Bravar, A.; Brooks, W.; Brzychczyk, J.; Bubak, A.; Bunyatov, S.A.; Busygina, O.; Christakoglou, P.; Chung, P.; Czopowicz, T.; Davis, N.; Debieux, S.; Di Luise, S.; Dominik, W.; Dumarchez, J.; Dynowski, K.; Engel, R.; Ereditato, A.; Esposito, L.S.; Feofilov, G.A.; Fodor, Z.; Ferrero, A.; Fulop, A.; Ga dzicki, M.; Golubeva, M.; Grabez, B.; Grebieszkow, K.; Grzeszczuk, A.; Guber, F.; Haesler, A.; Hakobyan, H.; Hasegawa, T.; Idczak, R.; Igolkin, S.; Ivanov, Y.; Ivashkin, A.; Kadija, K.; Kapoyannis, A.; Katry ska, N.; Kie czewska, D.; Kikola, D.; Kirejczyk, M.; Kisiel, J.; Kiss, T.; Kleinfelder, S.; Kobayashi, T.; Kochebina, O.; Kolesnikov, V.I.; Kolev, D.; Kondratiev, V.P.; Korzenev, A.; Kowalski, S.; Krasnoperov, A.; Kuleshov, S.; Kurepin, A.; Lacey, R.; Larsen, D.; Laszlo, A.; Lyubushkin, V.V.; Ma kowiak-Paw owska, M.; Majka, Z.; Maksiak, B.; Malakhov, A.I.; Maletic, D.; Marchionni, A.; Marcinek, A.; Maris, I.; Marin, V.; Marton, K.; Matulewicz, T.; Matveev, V.; Melkumov, G.L.; Messina, M.; Mrówczy ski, S.; Murphy, S.; Nakadaira, T.; Nishikawa, K.; Palczewski, T.; Palla, G.; Panagiotou, A.D.; Paul, T.; Peryt, W.; Petukhov, O.; P aneta, R.; Pluta, J.; Popov, B.A.; Posiada a, M.; Pu awski, S.; Puzovic, J.; Rauch, W.; Ravonel, M.; Renfordt, R.; Robert, A.; Röhrich, D.; Rondio, E.; Rossi, B.; Roth, M.; Rubbia, A.; Rustamov, A.; Rybczy ski, M.; Sadovsky, A.; Sakashita, K.; Savic, M.; Sekiguchi, T.; Seyboth, P.; Shibata, M.; Sipos, M.; Skrzypczak, E.; S odkowski, M.; Staszel, P.; Stefanek, G.; Stepaniak, J.; Strabel, C.; Ströbele, H.; Susa, T.; Szuba, M.; Tada, M.; Taranenko, A.; Tereshchenko, V.; Tolyhi, T.; Tsenov, R.; Turko, L.; Ulrich, R.; Unger, M.; Vassiliou, M.; Veberi, D.; Vechernin, V.V.; Vesztergombi, G.; Wilczek, A.; W odarczyk, Z.; Wojtaszek-Szwarc, A.; Wyszy ski, O.; Zambelli, L.; Zipper, W.; Galymov, V.; Hartz, M.; Ichikawa, A.K.; Kubo, H.; Marino, A.D.; Matsuoka, K.; Murakami, A.; Nakaya, T.; Suzuki, K.; Yuan, T.; Zimmerman, E.D.
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, Vol. 701, 2013, p. 99-114.
Research output: Contribution to journal › Article
Abgrall, N, Aduszkiewicz, A, Anticic, T, Antoniou, N, Argyriades, J, Baatar, B, Blondel, A, Blumer, J, Bogomilov, M, Bravar, A, Brooks, W, Brzychczyk, J, Bubak, A, Bunyatov, SA, Busygina, O, Christakoglou, P, Chung, P, Czopowicz, T, Davis, N, Debieux, S, Di Luise, S, Dominik, W, Dumarchez, J, Dynowski, K, Engel, R, Ereditato, A, Esposito, LS
, Feofilov, GA, Fodor, Z, Ferrero, A, Fulop, A, Ga dzicki, M, Golubeva, M, Grabez, B, Grebieszkow, K, Grzeszczuk, A, Guber, F, Haesler, A, Hakobyan, H, Hasegawa, T, Idczak, R, Igolkin, S, Ivanov, Y, Ivashkin, A, Kadija, K, Kapoyannis, A, Katry ska, N, Kie czewska, D, Kikola, D, Kirejczyk, M, Kisiel, J, Kiss, T, Kleinfelder, S, Kobayashi, T, Kochebina, O, Kolesnikov, VI, Kolev, D
, Kondratiev, VP, Korzenev, A, Kowalski, S, Krasnoperov, A, Kuleshov, S, Kurepin, A, Lacey, R, Larsen, D, Laszlo, A, Lyubushkin, VV, Ma kowiak-Paw owska, M, Majka, Z, Maksiak, B, Malakhov, AI, Maletic, D, Marchionni, A, Marcinek, A, Maris, I, Marin, V, Marton, K, Matulewicz, T, Matveev, V, Melkumov, GL, Messina, M, Mrówczy ski, S, Murphy, S, Nakadaira, T, Nishikawa, K, Palczewski, T, Palla, G, Panagiotou, AD, Paul, T, Peryt, W, Petukhov, O, P aneta, R, Pluta, J, Popov, BA, Posiada a, M, Pu awski, S, Puzovic, J, Rauch, W, Ravonel, M, Renfordt, R, Robert, A, Röhrich, D, Rondio, E, Rossi, B, Roth, M, Rubbia, A, Rustamov, A, Rybczy ski, M, Sadovsky, A, Sakashita, K, Savic, M, Sekiguchi, T, Seyboth, P, Shibata, M, Sipos, M, Skrzypczak, E, S odkowski, M, Staszel, P, Stefanek, G, Stepaniak, J, Strabel, C, Ströbele, H, Susa, T, Szuba, M, Tada, M, Taranenko, A, Tereshchenko, V, Tolyhi, T, Tsenov, R, Turko, L, Ulrich, R, Unger, M, Vassiliou, M, Veberi, D
, Vechernin, VV, Vesztergombi, G, Wilczek, A, W odarczyk, Z, Wojtaszek-Szwarc, A, Wyszy ski, O, Zambelli, L, Zipper, W, Galymov, V, Hartz, M, Ichikawa, AK, Kubo, H, Marino, AD, Matsuoka, K, Murakami, A, Nakaya, T, Suzuki, K, Yuan, T & Zimmerman, ED 2013, '
Pion emission from the T2K replica target: method, results and application',
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, vol. 701, pp. 99-114.
Abgrall, N., Aduszkiewicz, A., Anticic, T., Antoniou, N., Argyriades, J., Baatar, B., Blondel, A., Blumer, J., Bogomilov, M., Bravar, A., Brooks, W., Brzychczyk, J., Bubak, A., Bunyatov, S. A., Busygina, O., Christakoglou, P., Chung, P., Czopowicz, T., Davis, N., ... Zimmerman, E. D. (2013).
Pion emission from the T2K replica target: method, results and application.
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment,
701, 99-114.
Abgrall, N. ; Aduszkiewicz, A. ; Anticic, T. ; Antoniou, N. ; Argyriades, J. ; Baatar, B. ; Blondel, A. ; Blumer, J. ; Bogomilov, M. ; Bravar, A. ; Brooks, W. ; Brzychczyk, J. ; Bubak, A. ; Bunyatov, S.A. ; Busygina, O. ; Christakoglou, P. ; Chung, P. ; Czopowicz, T. ; Davis, N. ; Debieux, S. ; Di Luise, S. ; Dominik, W. ; Dumarchez, J. ; Dynowski, K. ; Engel, R. ; Ereditato, A. ; Esposito, L.S.
; Feofilov, G.A. ; Fodor, Z. ; Ferrero, A. ; Fulop, A. ; Ga dzicki, M. ; Golubeva, M. ; Grabez, B. ; Grebieszkow, K. ; Grzeszczuk, A. ; Guber, F. ; Haesler, A. ; Hakobyan, H. ; Hasegawa, T. ; Idczak, R. ; Igolkin, S. ; Ivanov, Y. ; Ivashkin, A. ; Kadija, K. ; Kapoyannis, A. ; Katry ska, N. ; Kie czewska, D. ; Kikola, D. ; Kirejczyk, M. ; Kisiel, J. ; Kiss, T. ; Kleinfelder, S. ; Kobayashi, T. ; Kochebina, O. ; Kolesnikov, V.I. ; Kolev, D.
; Kondratiev, V.P. ; Korzenev, A. ; Kowalski, S. ; Krasnoperov, A. ; Kuleshov, S. ; Kurepin, A. ; Lacey, R. ; Larsen, D. ; Laszlo, A. ; Lyubushkin, V.V. ; Ma kowiak-Paw owska, M. ; Majka, Z. ; Maksiak, B. ; Malakhov, A.I. ; Maletic, D. ; Marchionni, A. ; Marcinek, A. ; Maris, I. ; Marin, V. ; Marton, K. ; Matulewicz, T. ; Matveev, V. ; Melkumov, G.L. ; Messina, M. ; Mrówczy ski, S. ; Murphy, S. ; Nakadaira, T. ; Nishikawa, K. ; Palczewski, T. ; Palla, G. ; Panagiotou, A.D. ; Paul, T. ; Peryt, W. ; Petukhov, O. ; P aneta, R. ; Pluta, J. ; Popov, B.A. ; Posiada a, M. ; Pu awski, S. ; Puzovic, J. ; Rauch, W. ; Ravonel, M. ; Renfordt, R. ; Robert, A. ; Röhrich, D. ; Rondio, E. ; Rossi, B. ; Roth, M. ; Rubbia, A. ; Rustamov, A. ; Rybczy ski, M. ; Sadovsky, A. ; Sakashita, K. ; Savic, M. ; Sekiguchi, T. ; Seyboth, P. ; Shibata, M. ; Sipos, M. ; Skrzypczak, E. ; S odkowski, M. ; Staszel, P. ; Stefanek, G. ; Stepaniak, J. ; Strabel, C. ; Ströbele, H. ; Susa, T. ; Szuba, M. ; Tada, M. ; Taranenko, A. ; Tereshchenko, V. ; Tolyhi, T. ; Tsenov, R. ; Turko, L. ; Ulrich, R. ; Unger, M. ; Vassiliou, M. ; Veberi, D.
; Vechernin, V.V. ; Vesztergombi, G. ; Wilczek, A. ; W odarczyk, Z. ; Wojtaszek-Szwarc, A. ; Wyszy ski, O. ; Zambelli, L. ; Zipper, W. ; Galymov, V. ; Hartz, M. ; Ichikawa, A.K. ; Kubo, H. ; Marino, A.D. ; Matsuoka, K. ; Murakami, A. ; Nakaya, T. ; Suzuki, K. ; Yuan, T. ; Zimmerman, E.D. /
Pion emission from the T2K replica target: method, results and application. In:
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment. 2013 ; Vol. 701. pp. 99-114.
title = "Pion emission from the T2K replica target: method, results and application",
abstract = "The T2K long-baseline neutrino oscillation experiment in Japan needs precise predictions of the initial neutrino flux. The highest precision can be reached based on detailed measurements of hadron emission from the same target as used by T2K exposed to a proton beam of the same kinetic energy of 30 GeV. The corresponding data were recorded in 2007-2010 by the NA61/SHINE experiment at the CERN SPS using a replica of the T2K graphite target. In this paper details of the experiment, data taking, data analysis method and results from the 2007 pilot run are presented. Furthermore, the application of the NA61/SHINE measurements to the predictions of the T2K initial neutrino flux is described and discussed.",
keywords = "Hadron production, Long target, Neutrino flux predictions",
author = "N. Abgrall and A. Aduszkiewicz and T. Anticic and N. Antoniou and J. Argyriades and B. Baatar and A. Blondel and J. Blumer and M. Bogomilov and A. Bravar and W. Brooks and J. Brzychczyk and A. Bubak and S.A. Bunyatov and O. Busygina and P. Christakoglou and P. Chung and T. Czopowicz and N. Davis and S. Debieux and {Di Luise}, S. and W. Dominik and J. Dumarchez and K. Dynowski and R. Engel and A. Ereditato and L.S. Esposito and G.A. Feofilov and Z. Fodor and A. Ferrero and A. Fulop and {Ga dzicki}, M. and M. Golubeva and B. Grabez and K. Grebieszkow and A. Grzeszczuk and F. Guber and A. Haesler and H. Hakobyan and T. Hasegawa and R. Idczak and S. Igolkin and Y. Ivanov and A. Ivashkin and K. Kadija and A. Kapoyannis and {Katry ska}, N. and {Kie czewska}, D. and D. Kikola and M. Kirejczyk and J. Kisiel and T. Kiss and S. Kleinfelder and T. Kobayashi and O. Kochebina and V.I. Kolesnikov and D. Kolev and V.P. Kondratiev and A. Korzenev and S. Kowalski and A. Krasnoperov and S. Kuleshov and A. Kurepin and R. Lacey and D. Larsen and A. Laszlo and V.V. Lyubushkin and {Ma kowiak-Paw owska}, M. and Z. Majka and B. Maksiak and A.I. Malakhov and D. Maletic and A. Marchionni and A. Marcinek and I. Maris and V. Marin and K. Marton and T. Matulewicz and V. Matveev and G.L. Melkumov and M. Messina and {Mr{\'o}wczy ski}, S. and S. Murphy and T. Nakadaira and K. Nishikawa and T. Palczewski and G. Palla and A.D. Panagiotou and T. Paul and W. Peryt and O. Petukhov and {P aneta}, R. and J. Pluta and B.A. Popov and {Posiada a}, M. and {Pu awski}, S. and J. Puzovic and W. Rauch and M. Ravonel and R. Renfordt and A. Robert and D. R{\"o}hrich and E. Rondio and B. Rossi and M. Roth and A. Rubbia and A. Rustamov and {Rybczy ski}, M. and A. Sadovsky and K. Sakashita and M. Savic and T. Sekiguchi and P. Seyboth and M. Shibata and M. Sipos and E. Skrzypczak and {S odkowski}, M. and P. Staszel and G. Stefanek and J. Stepaniak and C. Strabel and H. Str{\"o}bele and T. Susa and M. Szuba and M. Tada and A. Taranenko and V. Tereshchenko and T. Tolyhi and R. Tsenov and L. Turko and R. Ulrich and M. Unger and M. Vassiliou and D. Veberi and V.V. Vechernin and G. Vesztergombi and A. Wilczek and {W odarczyk}, Z. and A. Wojtaszek-Szwarc and {Wyszy ski}, O. and L. Zambelli and W. Zipper and V. Galymov and M. Hartz and A.K. Ichikawa and H. Kubo and A.D. Marino and K. Matsuoka and A. Murakami and T. Nakaya and K. Suzuki and T. Yuan and E.D. Zimmerman",
year = "2013",
doi = "10.1016/j.nima.2012.10.079",
language = "English",
volume = "701",
pages = "99--114",
journal = "Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment",
issn = "0168-9002",
publisher = "Elsevier",
T1 - Pion emission from the T2K replica target: method, results and application
AU - Abgrall, N.
AU - Aduszkiewicz, A.
AU - Anticic, T.
AU - Antoniou, N.
AU - Argyriades, J.
AU - Baatar, B.
AU - Blondel, A.
AU - Blumer, J.
AU - Bogomilov, M.
AU - Bravar, A.
AU - Brooks, W.
AU - Brzychczyk, J.
AU - Bubak, A.
AU - Bunyatov, S.A.
AU - Busygina, O.
AU - Christakoglou, P.
AU - Chung, P.
AU - Czopowicz, T.
AU - Davis, N.
AU - Debieux, S.
AU - Di Luise, S.
AU - Dominik, W.
AU - Dumarchez, J.
AU - Dynowski, K.
AU - Engel, R.
AU - Ereditato, A.
AU - Esposito, L.S.
AU - Feofilov, G.A.
AU - Fodor, Z.
AU - Ferrero, A.
AU - Fulop, A.
AU - Ga dzicki, M.
AU - Golubeva, M.
AU - Grabez, B.
AU - Grebieszkow, K.
AU - Grzeszczuk, A.
AU - Guber, F.
AU - Haesler, A.
AU - Hakobyan, H.
AU - Hasegawa, T.
AU - Idczak, R.
AU - Igolkin, S.
AU - Ivanov, Y.
AU - Ivashkin, A.
AU - Kadija, K.
AU - Kapoyannis, A.
AU - Katry ska, N.
AU - Kie czewska, D.
AU - Kikola, D.
AU - Kirejczyk, M.
AU - Kisiel, J.
AU - Kiss, T.
AU - Kleinfelder, S.
AU - Kobayashi, T.
AU - Kochebina, O.
AU - Kolesnikov, V.I.
AU - Kolev, D.
AU - Kondratiev, V.P.
AU - Korzenev, A.
AU - Kowalski, S.
AU - Krasnoperov, A.
AU - Kuleshov, S.
AU - Kurepin, A.
AU - Lacey, R.
AU - Larsen, D.
AU - Laszlo, A.
AU - Lyubushkin, V.V.
AU - Ma kowiak-Paw owska, M.
AU - Majka, Z.
AU - Maksiak, B.
AU - Malakhov, A.I.
AU - Maletic, D.
AU - Marchionni, A.
AU - Marcinek, A.
AU - Maris, I.
AU - Marin, V.
AU - Marton, K.
AU - Matulewicz, T.
AU - Matveev, V.
AU - Melkumov, G.L.
AU - Messina, M.
AU - Mrówczy ski, S.
AU - Murphy, S.
AU - Nakadaira, T.
AU - Nishikawa, K.
AU - Palczewski, T.
AU - Palla, G.
AU - Panagiotou, A.D.
AU - Paul, T.
AU - Peryt, W.
AU - Petukhov, O.
AU - P aneta, R.
AU - Pluta, J.
AU - Popov, B.A.
AU - Posiada a, M.
AU - Pu awski, S.
AU - Puzovic, J.
AU - Rauch, W.
AU - Ravonel, M.
AU - Renfordt, R.
AU - Robert, A.
AU - Röhrich, D.
AU - Rondio, E.
AU - Rossi, B.
AU - Roth, M.
AU - Rubbia, A.
AU - Rustamov, A.
AU - Rybczy ski, M.
AU - Sadovsky, A.
AU - Sakashita, K.
AU - Savic, M.
AU - Sekiguchi, T.
AU - Seyboth, P.
AU - Shibata, M.
AU - Sipos, M.
AU - Skrzypczak, E.
AU - S odkowski, M.
AU - Staszel, P.
AU - Stefanek, G.
AU - Stepaniak, J.
AU - Strabel, C.
AU - Ströbele, H.
AU - Susa, T.
AU - Szuba, M.
AU - Tada, M.
AU - Taranenko, A.
AU - Tereshchenko, V.
AU - Tolyhi, T.
AU - Tsenov, R.
AU - Turko, L.
AU - Ulrich, R.
AU - Unger, M.
AU - Vassiliou, M.
AU - Veberi, D.
AU - Vechernin, V.V.
AU - Vesztergombi, G.
AU - Wilczek, A.
AU - W odarczyk, Z.
AU - Wojtaszek-Szwarc, A.
AU - Wyszy ski, O.
AU - Zambelli, L.
AU - Zipper, W.
AU - Galymov, V.
AU - Hartz, M.
AU - Ichikawa, A.K.
AU - Kubo, H.
AU - Marino, A.D.
AU - Matsuoka, K.
AU - Murakami, A.
AU - Nakaya, T.
AU - Suzuki, K.
AU - Yuan, T.
AU - Zimmerman, E.D.
PY - 2013
Y1 - 2013
N2 - The T2K long-baseline neutrino oscillation experiment in Japan needs precise predictions of the initial neutrino flux. The highest precision can be reached based on detailed measurements of hadron emission from the same target as used by T2K exposed to a proton beam of the same kinetic energy of 30 GeV. The corresponding data were recorded in 2007-2010 by the NA61/SHINE experiment at the CERN SPS using a replica of the T2K graphite target. In this paper details of the experiment, data taking, data analysis method and results from the 2007 pilot run are presented. Furthermore, the application of the NA61/SHINE measurements to the predictions of the T2K initial neutrino flux is described and discussed.
AB - The T2K long-baseline neutrino oscillation experiment in Japan needs precise predictions of the initial neutrino flux. The highest precision can be reached based on detailed measurements of hadron emission from the same target as used by T2K exposed to a proton beam of the same kinetic energy of 30 GeV. The corresponding data were recorded in 2007-2010 by the NA61/SHINE experiment at the CERN SPS using a replica of the T2K graphite target. In this paper details of the experiment, data taking, data analysis method and results from the 2007 pilot run are presented. Furthermore, the application of the NA61/SHINE measurements to the predictions of the T2K initial neutrino flux is described and discussed.
KW - Hadron production
KW - Long target
KW - Neutrino flux predictions
U2 - 10.1016/j.nima.2012.10.079
DO - 10.1016/j.nima.2012.10.079
M3 - Article
VL - 701
SP - 99
EP - 114
JO - Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment
JF - Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment
SN - 0168-9002
ER -