The genus Paralepidapedon Shimazu & Shimura, 1984 unites lepidapedid trematodes with a uroproct, intercaecal and postbifurcal positions of the common genital pore, and an intestinal bifurcation located at a significant distance from the ventral sucker. Species of this genus are divided into two groups according to presence/absence of the membranous sac around the external seminal vesicle and adjacent prostatic cells in adults. We found two trematode species morphologically corresponding to the group of Paralepidapedon spp. with the membranous sac in the gadiform fish Macrourus whitsoni (Regan, 1913) from the Ross Sea (Antarctic). These trematodes were initially assigned to Paralepidapedon sp. 1 and Paralepidapedon sp. 2. Phylogenetic analyses based on 28S rRNA gene partial sequences resolved phylogenetic relationships of these trematodes within the Lepidapedon clade. Paralepidapedon sp. 1 was also grouped with Lepidapedon spp. based on the nd1 gene analysis. These data are unexpected, since blind-ending caeca are typical of Lepidapedon spp. Phylogenetic analyses also confirmed the paraphyly of the genus Neolepidapedon Manter, 1954. Based on our data, we hypothesise that only species without the membranous sac are the members of the genus Paralepidapedon, while species with this structure should be moved to the genus Lepidapedon.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)202-212
JournalRussian Journal of Marine Biology
StatePublished - 2022

    Research areas

  • Lepocreadioidea, Lepidapedon, Macrourus, caecum, uroproct, parasites

ID: 100950969