Abstract—The advanced version of the full model of O2 and O3 photodissociation in the mesosphere and thermosphere (Yankovsky V.A., Manuilova R.O., Atmospheric and Oceanic optics, 2003, V. 16, No. 7, P. 582) was used for the calculation of vertical profiles of vibrationally excited O2(X, ν) molecular concentrations in the ground electronic state for ν = 1–35. Recent data on the rate constants for reactions O2(X, ν ≤ 30) + O(3P) → O2(X, ν' <ν) + O(3P) and O2(X, ν) were included for the first time in this model. These reactions play a significant role not only in the quenching of O2(X, ν) molecules, but also in the population of under lying vibrational levels of O2 molecules. In addition to direct processes of the production of O2(X, ν ≤ 35), resulting from O3 photolysis, the processes of population of O2(X, ν ≤ 9) molecules through the energy transfer from O(1D), O2(b, ν ≤ 2), and O2(a, ν ≤ 5) were used in the model. The resulting quantum output (RQO) for O2(X, ν = 1) molecules in process of ozone photolysis i
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)6-16
JournalAtmospheric and Oceanic Optics
Issue number1
StatePublished - 2011

    Research areas

  • ozone, photolysis, Hartley, Chappuis, Huggins, and Wulf Bands, vibrational kinetics of oxygen molecules, mesosphere, low thermosphere

ID: 5062750