• Vladimir N. Bocharnikov
  • Irina V. Erofeeva
  • Andrey A. Badmayev
  • Yulia W. Biktimirova
  • Tatyana Yu. Ignatovich
  • Venary A. Burnakov
  • Boris V. Markov
  • Roman Yu. Fyodorov
  • Evdokiia K. Alekseeva

Philosophers, historians, culturologists, and social scientists, usually study the history of ideas, worldviews, beliefs, or other achievements of the civilization process, such as scientific and technical discoveries. The scientists conducted research on different scientific schools using cultural-linguistic analysis, content analysis, structural and semiotics analysis, and typological method. The research reference base includes diverse lexical material of different text types and discourse, and folklore and ethnographic data. A chronological framework of work covers seventeenth–the beginning of the 21st centuries. The research on North aboriginal and not aboriginal inhabitants’ language perceptions is presented in the chapter. Cultural linguistics as a scientific and methodical direction of linguistics in the preservation, revitalization, and development of various languages of aboriginal inhabitants is noted. Geographers and ethnographers tend to pay attention to landscapes and natural factors, adaptation to which is a condition of ethnos survival. Today biology has become a leading scientific discipline that has had a significant impact on the cross-cultural research methods used in this chapter. According to the authors, the social and economic stratification of space, defined by the centric-peripheral relations, is mainly linked to the ethno-cultural identity. Ethno-cultural identity is viewed as a function of ethno-mentality. This mentality level’s key parameter will be the components of cultural regionalism, connected in various ways and with different degrees of certainty with space and territory, and characterized by a set of original cultural relations in regions and settlements. The problem is how the interaction of cultures is conceived: based on the dialogue taking place on the public stage, accompanied by critical reflection and argumentation, or by functional language, technologies, and other civilization achievements assimilation? The authors highlight the integrative character of spiritual codes of culture and their semantic invariability at the constant expansion of codes’ notional field in their interpretation in the following chapter. On the materials universalization bases, the etymology and distribution area of the name “Samokhody” (freewill settlers) with which East Slavic peasants back-settlers in some regions of Siberia were identified, the mechanisms of occurrence of the given ethno-cultural identity form, and also the subsequent transformations are formulated. It is challenging to analyse different axiological preferences, social and moral norms, and legal and economic differences. They are revealed as the experience of comparing “own” and “alien” is accumulated, and their justification requires a sufficient amount of intensive study of the daily life structures of a particular social group. Siberian life’s axiological paradigm should not interrupt the historical tradition; any changes and transformations are constructive only in the Siberian basic spiritual values preservation paradigm. Theoretical and applied aspects of cultural codes formation are considered: the basis of culture concept and its features discovered in the twentieth century, modern scientific theories of “cultural codes”, and their significance for studying historical transformations of the Siberian peoples’ ethno-ecological system.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationHumans in the Siberian Landscapes
PublisherSpringer Nature
Number of pages30
StatePublished - 26 Sep 2022

Publication series

NameSpringer Geography
ISSN (Print)2194-315X
ISSN (Electronic)2194-3168

    Research areas

  • Adaptation, Anthropogenesis, Biopolitics, Cultural code, Culture, Ethno-cultural identity, Ethno-genesis, Geophilosophy, Language picture of the world, Mentality, National character, Transformation

    Scopus subject areas

  • Geography, Planning and Development
  • Urban Studies
  • Nature and Landscape Conservation
  • Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous)

ID: 99133010