In spite of achievements of modern pharmacology, duodenal ulcer (DU) incidence and, what is more, the frequency of complications, are still high. The presented study was carried out in order to evaluate somatic, personal, and psychological peculiarities of patients receiving different types of treatment for duodenal ulcers complicated by hemorrhage or perforation. The patients whose treatment for perforation or hemorrhage was not radical, demonstrated high relapse rate within 4 to 7 years after hospitalization (76% and 50%, respectively). Study of coping revealed high rate of "optimization " mechanism in the emotional sphere of the patients in both groups (56% in the group with perforation, 48%--in the group with hemorrhage). The dominance of this coping mechanism was associated with frequent refusals to receive repeated courses of antiulcer therapy. The study found significant difference in the cognitive and behavioral spheres of coping between the groups. So, "active avoidance" and "retreat" mechanisms predominated in the behavior of hemorrhage patients, which was accompanied by significant reduction in a range of life quality parameters. The obtained data correspond to the results of study of "internal picture" of the disease. Anosognostic attitude to the disease was predominant in perforation group (43.5%), while ergopathic attitude was typical of hemorrhage patients (28.6%). The results suggest that in order to increase the life quality and compliance of patients with DU, medical and rehabilitation measures should be individualized and optimized in accordance with personal and psychological peculiarities of these patients.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)58-62
Number of pages5
JournalKlinicheskaia meditsina
Issue number6
StatePublished - 2005

    Scopus subject areas

  • Medicine(all)

ID: 87992087