The Lena River delta is the largest delta in the Arctic and unique natural object. River deltas are serve an important function of sedimentary geochemical barriers, and kind of bio-filters of terrigenous material for up to 90% of suspended particular matter and up to 40% of dissolved substances flowing to the ocean. Delta is a changeable system due to high activity of channel processes, high accumulation and riverbanks deformations. Geochemical flows formation, its distribution and transformation in the river channels of the Delta influenced by many of factors. Permafrost dominates among of these. The catchment area of the delta is covered by wetland landscape and includes a numerous of water objects formed in the condition of continuous permafrost including Yedoma. In consequence of thermoerosion and thermokarst processes lowered lakes, the tributaries from lakes as well as tributaries from Yedoma add dissolved and suspended components to the total flow of the river and forming a significant source of geochemical flow. It can be seeing on the basis of outflows from Yedoma case study carrying colder, more muddy and mineralized water is to the river. The impact of such factors are changing the distribution in river channels influenced by them. Detail study of geochemical situation in the Lena river delta allows understanding processes of geochemical flows formation in the delta and distribution of the components from the delta head to the sea, to access amount of material transported by the river and accumulated.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationEUCOP4 - 4th European Conference on Permafrost, Évora, Portugal, 18 June 2014 - 21 June 2014
StatePublished - 2014
EventEUCOP4 - Évora, Portugal
Duration: 18 Jun 201421 Jun 2014


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ID: 103653789