The present study is one of the first eye-tracking experiments on Russian language material, checking if the text style (static or dynamic) is among the readability categories and if it influences the effect of reading perspective. Two text types were used: a static text (descriptive sentences) and a dynamic text (a sequence of events quickly following one another). In the experiment participants (20 native speakers of Russian) read eight texts of the same length written in different styles (4 static texts and 4 dynamic texts), presented randomly, and retell them afterwards. The following measurements were considered: first fixation duration, average saccade velocity, regression path duration. Retelling the texts was additionally used to collect data on text comprehension and accessibility. The readability of the texts was also checked on the website where five readability formulas adapted for the Russian language are used (Flesch-Kincaid formula, Automatic Readability Index, SMOG, C
Original languageEnglish
StatePublished - 2015
EventThird St. Petersburg Winter Workshop on Experimental Studies of Speech and Language (Night Whites 2015) - Санкт-Петербург, Russian Federation
Duration: 17 Dec 201518 Dec 2015


WorkshopThird St. Petersburg Winter Workshop on Experimental Studies of Speech and Language (Night Whites 2015)
Country/TerritoryRussian Federation
Internet address

    Research areas

  • eye-tracking experiment, static text, dynamic text

ID: 6947320