The problem of propagation of photons and massive vector mesons in the presence of Lorenz and CPT invariance violating medium is studied when the parity-odd medium is bounded by a hyper- plane separating it from the vacuum. The solutions in both half-spaces are carefully discussed and in the case of space-like boundary stitched with help of the Bogolubov transformations. The presence of two different Fock vacua is shown. Classical solutions are also discussed. Effects of reflection from a boundary (up to the total one) are revealed when vector particles escape to vacuum or income from vacuum passing the boundary. Boundary effects under consideration are of certain importance for discovery of local parity violation in the collision of heavy ions and for registration of condensed axions in the dense astrophysical objects.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)064_1-7
JournalProceedings of Science
VolumePoS(QFTHEP 2013)
StatePublished - 2013

    Research areas

  • Lorenz and CPT invariance violation, Maxwell-Chern-Simons Electrodynamics, axion, parity-odd medium boundary

ID: 5675590