Anionic catechol-containing polymers represent a promising class of functional dopants for the capacity improvement of conductive polymers. For example, sulfonated poly(vinylcatechol) SPVC with outstanding theoretical capacity was used as a dopant for poly(ethylenedixythiophene) (PEDOT) conductive polymer, increasing its energy storage performance. However, such materials suffer from insufficient utilization of the theoretical capacity of SPVC originating from non-optimal morphology. In the present study, we performed systematic optimization of the composition and morphology of the PEDOT:SPVC material as a function of the deposition parameters to overcome this problem. As a result, a capacity of 95 mAh·g−1 was achieved in a thin film demonstrating considerable electrochemical stability: 75% capacity retention after 100 cycles and 57% after 1000 cycles. Since the capacity was found to suffer from thickness limitation, a nanocomposite of PE-DOT:SPVC and single-walled carbon nanotubes with high PEDOT:SPVC loading was fabricated, yielding the capacitance 178 F·g−1 or 89 F·cm−2. The capacity values exceed non-optimized film twofold for thin film and 1.33 times for nanocomposite with carbon nanotubes. The obtained results demonstrate the importance of fine-tuning of the composition and morphology of the PE-DOT:SPVC materials to ensure optimal interactions between the redox/anionic and conductive components.

Original languageEnglish
Article number1917
Issue number11
StatePublished - 3 Jun 2022

    Research areas

  • catechol, conductive polymer, PEDOT, polythiophene, quinone, rechargeable batteries, redox polymer

    Scopus subject areas

  • Chemical Engineering(all)
  • Materials Science(all)

ID: 96946369