Turkic literary works created in the XIth century in the Eastern Kara-Khanid Khanate with the capital in Kashgar (modern Xinjiang) have attracted a great deal of scholarly interest ever since they have been discovered. The didactic poem «Kutadgu Bilig» («Wisdom Which Brings Good Fortune») written in Kashgar by Yusuf of Balasagun circ. 1069–70 and more than two hundred poetic extracts from «Divanu Lugati-t Türk» («Сompendium of the languages of the Turks») written by the philologist Mahmud al-Kashgari circ. 1072–1078 in Baghdad are the specimens of such works. It is known that during the Middle Ages Turkic Muslim poetry had experienced a great influence of Sufism (Islamic mysticism). The study of the most ancient literary works of Eastern Karakhanids allows us to state that Sufi poetic works in Turkic (Uyghur- Kara-Khanid) language have been written as early as in the XIth century. The analysis of certain poems from Mahmud al-Kashgari`s work «Divanu Lugati-t Türk» allows us to infer that either by form (Perso
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publication中国西部文学与地域文化国际高端论坛 / International Forum of Western China Literature & Regional Culture
PublisherXinjiang University
StatePublished - 2014

    Research areas

  • Turkic literature, Eastern Karakhanids, didactic poems, Turkic Sufi poetry, Sufism, Islamic mysticism.

ID: 4733420