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The approach to the study of influence of low frequency and low intensity electromagnetic fields on living organism in medical practice is considered. It is based on approximate calculation of magnetic field in given points of the space and modeling the motion of ions under action of the field. We present the imitation model of this motion with visualization of results in Para View package. The proposed tool may be useful both for designers of magnetoterapy devices and physicians using such devices in practice.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publication2018 International Conference and Exposition on Electrical And Power Engineering (EPE)
EditorsCristian Fosalau, Bogdan-Constantin Neagu, Cristian-Gyozo Haba, Mihai Gavrilas
Place of Publication Iasi
PublisherInstitute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
Number of pages4
ISBN (Electronic)9781538650622
ISBN (Print) 978-1-5386-5061-5
StatePublished - 4 Dec 2018
Event10th International Conference and Expositions on Electrical And Power Engineering, EPE 2018 - Iasi, Romania
Duration: 18 Oct 201819 Oct 2018

Publication series

NameEPE 2018 - Proceedings of the 2018 10th International Conference and Expositions on Electrical And Power Engineering


Conference10th International Conference and Expositions on Electrical And Power Engineering, EPE 2018

    Research areas

  • ion motion, magnetic and electric fields, magnetoterapy, mathematical models

    Scopus subject areas

  • Computer Science(all)

ID: 35512704