In this paper we study heuristic proof systems and heuristic non-deterministic algorithms. We give an example of a language Y and a polynomial-time samplable distribution D such that the distributional problem (Y, D) belongs to the complexity class HeurNP but Y ∉ NP if NP ≠ coNP, and (Y, D) ∉ HeurBPP if (NP,PSamp) HeurBPP. For a language L and a polynomial q we define the language padq(L) composed of pairs (x, r) where x is an element of L and r is an arbitrary binary string of length at least q(/x/). If is an ensemble of distributions on strings, let D × Uq be a distribution on pairs (x, r), where x is distributed according to Dn and r is uniformly distributed on strings of length q(n). We show that for every language L in AM there is a polynomial q such that for every distribution D concentrated on the complement of L the distributional problem (padq(L), D × Uq) has a polynomially bounded heuristic proof system. Since graph non-isomorphism (GNI) is in AM, the above result is applicable to GNI.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)113-129
Number of pages17
JournalFundamenta Informaticae
Issue number1
StatePublished - 2014

    Research areas

  • Arthur-Merlin games, heuristic computation, non-deterministic algorithm, proof systems

    Scopus subject areas

  • Theoretical Computer Science
  • Algebra and Number Theory
  • Information Systems
  • Computational Theory and Mathematics

ID: 49785863