

In the newly revealed complete Dictionnaire des termes published in 1701 by Sébastien
de Brossard there is a list of more than 60 “Auteurs qui ont écrit en François”, whose works
he has personally “seen, read, and examined”. De Saint Lambert is named among them. This
definitely proves that one of de Saint Lambert’s works had been published before 1701. This
recently unveiled evidence and the diachronic examination of practically all possibly available
historic and contemporary sources, showed that in some points the current view should be
changed. In harpsichord teaching and performance, in thorough-bass accompaniment the
treatises of de Saint Lambert, F. Couperin and J.-P. Rameau are the basic instruction editions. Only de Saint Lambert and his two treatises bring forth many bio-bibliographic questions, i.e. Les principes du clavecin (the dates of publication have been proved to be 1697 and
1702), Nouveau traité de l’accompagnement is Paris 1707; and the publication of the Traité
de l’accompagnement (1680) is under question whether it was a “myth” or it indeed existed
according to the historical evidence
Translated title of the contributionК вопросу о времени первых публикаций клавесинных трактатов де Сен Ламбера
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)104-133
Number of pages30
JournalНаучный вестник Московской консерватории
Issue number1
StatePublished - 27 Mar 2023

    Scopus subject areas

  • Music

    Research areas

  • Sébastien de Brossard, de Saint Lambert, harpsichord, accompaniment, French baroque music, French harpsichord music, French baroque treatises on music, musical bibliography, musical lexicography, musical bibli-ography

ID: 7731218