Parameterization of dynamical and thermal effects of stationary orographic gravity waves (OGWs) generated by the Earth's surface topography is incorporated into a numerical model of general circulation of the middle and upper atmosphere. Responses of atmospheric general circulation and characteristics of planetary waves at altitudes from the troposphere up to the thermosphere to the effects of OGWs propagating from the earth surface are studied. Changes in atmospheric circulation and amplitudes of planetary waves due to variations of OGW generation and propagation in different seasons are considered. It is shown that during solstices the main OGW dynamical and heat effects occur in the middle atmosphere of winter hemispheres, where changes in planetary wave amplitudes due to OGWs may reach up to 50%. During equinoxes OGW effects are distributed more homogeneously between northern and southern hemispheres. © 2012 COSPAR. Published by Elsevier Ltd.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)2145-2154
JournalAdvances in Space Research
Issue number11
StatePublished - 2013

    Research areas

  • Middle and upper atmosphere, circulation, planetary waves, orographic waves, wave heating, parameterization

ID: 5626039