The spatial electron fluxes, which arise in inhomogeneous plasmas in external fields play important role in low-temperature plasma. They result in a redistribution of particles and energy in the plasma volume, loss and generation of plasma. Moreover, these differential fluxes can be directed both inward and outward producing nontrivial behavior of spatial plasma characteristics in non-local plasmas [1]. In this paper modeling of discharge column gas plasma is proceeded to reveal phenomena which result from their complicated structure at moderate and high pressures when EDF is formed by energy exchange in elastic collisions (Dryuvestein –Davydov EDF). Computational simulation for argon gas consisted of Ar atoms, metastable atoms Ar*, radiating Ar**, positive ions Ar+, and electrons have been performed. The model involves direct ionization, electronic excitation from ground-state atoms, step-wise ionization from metastables, Penning ionization, and de-excitation. To provide simulations COMSOL MULT
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationAbstracts of conference 41th European Physical Society Conference on Plasma Physics, 2014, Berlin, June 23-27
StatePublished - 2014

    Research areas

  • electron fluxes, Boltzmann equation

ID: 4696042