Ethnonyms form a considerable part in the phraseology of a given language fixating contacts between countries as well as cultural attitudes, the latter forming ethnic stereotypes. This paper’s aim is to investigate semantic types of nominal phrases with the ethnonyms Chinese and Russian, based both on lexicographical data and literary texts in the English language and their cultural values. The study divides phrases with ethnonyms into two major groups: those with literal concrete denotative meaning and those with a metaphorical one. For the former, denotative meaning is the basic meaning of the phrases. And the latter are shown to be widely used in fiction, both with positive and negative connotations.
Translated title of the contributionИменные словосочетания с этнонимами "Китайский" и "Русский" в английском языке- сопоставительное лингвокультурологическое исследование
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationInternational Confrrence on Religion, Culture and Art ( ICRCA 2019 ) September 21-22, 2019, Xi'an, China
Number of pages5
ISBN (Electronic)978-1-989348-15-4
StatePublished - Nov 2019
Event2019 International Conference on Religion, Culture and Art - Университет Сианя (Xi'an University), г. Сиань , China
Duration: 21 Sep 201922 Sep 2019
Conference number: 1


Conference2019 International Conference on Religion, Culture and Art
Abbreviated titleICRCA 2019
Cityг. Сиань

    Research areas

  • cultural studies, nominal phrases, ethnonyms “Chinese” and “Russian”, The English Language

ID: 47698658