The relevance of geographical distribution and the roles of dispersal and spatial isolation during the speciation of microorganisms are nowadays of great interest. The Paramecium aurelia species complex is a perfect model system to explore these questions given its long history as a study subject and broad distribution. However, the world-wide distribution of the Paramecium aurelia complex (Ciliophora, Protista) still needs study, e.g. sampling in the southern hemisphere has been quite limited, while Europe has been investigated for years, with the majority ofaurelia species isolated from here. Recently, new stands of species of the P. aurelia complex were found in southern Europe (Malta, Bulgaria, Cyprus) and in the Czech Republic (P. primaurelia, P. triaurelia, P. octaurelia). In Africa (Republic of South Africa), new stands of P. primaurelia, P. triaurelia, and P. octaurelia were found. Interestingly, the rare species P. triaurelia, and P. octaurelia were found to co-occur both in South Africa (SA 13) and
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)361-366
Issue number4
StatePublished - 2014

    Research areas

  • protists, ciliates, Paramecium aurelia species complex, biogeography.

ID: 7036681