The Belyi Yar-2 key section (51°42' N, 102°37' E) located in the eastern part of the Tunka rift
basin is a well known sequence but its chronology is discussible question up to now. The upper
13-15 m of the outcrop is composed by sands and the underlying lacustrine-alluvial deposits ~2 m
thickness contain organic-rich layers. In the 60-s of the last century it was considered that these
organic-rich layers were formed throughout the Early Pleistocene (Ravskyi, Golubeva, 1960).
Later their age was correlated with the Late Pleistocene (marine isotope stage 3, MIS-3)
(Adamenko et el., 1975; Shchetnikov et el., 2015). Latter conclusion was based on a number
of 14C dates from ~41 kyr to ~26 kyr of vegetation remnants and bones.
Our study was addressed on clarification of numerical age and environmental conditions of the
lower part of the Belyi Yar-2 formation. The organic-rich samples were collected in 2013-2015
from the lower lacustrine-alluvial layer ~1.6 m thickness. The samples collected in 2013 yielded
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