This paper aims at proposing Generative Narratology Framework as a new approach to describing narrative as a cognitive process. Although the term Generative might suggest Chomsky’s impact the proposed method is more influenced by Cognitive Narratology and Conceptual Blending theories that assume reading to be a process of constructing a cognitively negotiable world. Conceptual blending stops when real readers move from perceiving themselves implied readers to track the perception of a narrator. Generative narratology framework makes several steps further aiming at (re)constructing the narrator’s side of negotiations. The framework shows the way from the Blended space upwards the input spaces to see where the elements at work belong to and how both the ideas and their form grow helping each other. By shifting back from blended space to input spaces we arrive at narration in the making. It is the process of creation that the term Generative here implies. The advanced framework is used in the paper to show the o