We present the results of comprehensive time-dependent modeling of Mrk
421 in internal shock scenario using a MUlti-ZOne Radiation Feedback
(MUZORF) scheme. MUZORF calculates blazar jet emission as a result of
various radiative mechanisms, such as synchrotron, synchrotron
self-Compton, and external Compton. It addresses the inhomogeneity in
photon and particle populations in the region by slicing a cylindrical
emission region into multiple zones and providing radiation feedback to
adjacent zones. We have applied MUZORF separately to three spectral
states of MRk 421 that were observed during a violent outburst in
February 2010. Our results indicate that a particle population following
a simple power-law and distributed in an inhomogeneous cylindrical
emission region is capable of reproducing the spectral behavior of Mrk
421 in February 2010. However, departure from equipartition is required
along with an emergence of a general trend, according to which the
magnetic field strength declines and the particle population becomes
energetic and harder as the flare evolves and attains its peak in the
third and final spectral state.This research was supported in part by
NASA through Fermi grant 80NSSC17K0650.