
Multi-year characterisation of the broad-band emission from the intermittent extreme BL Lac 1ES 2344+514. / Abe, H.; Abe, S.; Acciari, V. A.; Agudo, I.; Aniello, T.; Ansoldi, S.; Antonelli, L. A.; Arbet Engels, A.; Arcaro, C.; Artero, M.; Asano, K.; Baack, D.; Babić, A.; Baquero, A.; Barres de Almeida, U.; Batković, I.; Baxter, J.; Becerra González, J.; Bernardini, E.; Bernete, J.; Berti, A.; Besenrieder, J.; Bigongiari, C.; Biland, A.; Blanch, O.; Bonnoli, G.; Bošnjak, Ž.; Burelli, I.; Busetto, G.; Campoy-Ordaz, A.; Carosi, A.; Carosi, R.; Carretero-Castrillo, M.; Castro-Tirado, A. J.; Chai, Y.; Cifuentes, A.; Cikota, S.; Colombo, E.; Contreras, J. L.; Cortina, J.; Covino, S.; D’Amico, G.; D’Ammando, F.; D’Elia, V.; Da Vela, P.; Dazzi, F.; De Angelis, A.; De Lotto, B.; Del Popolo, A.; Delfino, M.; Delgado, J.; Delgado Mendez, C.; Depaoli, D.; Di Pierro, F.; Di Venere, L.; Dominis Prester, D.; Dorner, D.; Doro, M.; Elsaesser, D.; Emery, G.; Escudero, J.; Fariña, L.; Fattorini, A.; Foffano, L.; Font, L.; Fukami, S.; Fukazawa, Y.; García López, R. J.; Gasparyan, S.; Gaug, M.; Giesbrecht Paiva, J. G.; Giglietto, N.; Giordano, F.; Gliwny, P.; Grau, R.; Green, J. G.; Hadasch, D.; Hahn, A.; Heckmann, L.; Herrera, J.; Hrupec, D.; Hütten, M.; Imazawa, R.; Inada, T.; Iotov, R.; Ishio, K.; Jiménez Martínez, I.; Jormanainen, J.; Kerszberg, D.; Kluge, G. W.; Kobayashi, Y.; Kouch, P. M.; Kubo, H.; Kushida, J.; Láinez Lezáun, M.; Lamastra, A.; Leone, F.; Lindfors, E.; Linhoff, L.; Lombardi, S.; Longo, F.; López-Moya, M.; López-Oramas, A.; Loporchio, S.; Lorini, A.; Machado de Oliveira Fraga, B.; Majumdar, P.; Makariev, M.; Maneva, G.; Mang, N.; Manganaro, M.; Mariotti, M.; Martínez, M.; Martínez-Chicharro, M.; Mas-Aguilar, A.; Mazin, D.; Menchiari, S.; Mender, S.; Miceli, D.; Miener, T.; Miranda, J. M.; Mirzoyan, R.; Molero González, M.; Molina, E.; Mondal, H. A.; Moralejo, A.; Morcuende, D.; Nakamori, T.; Nanci, C.; Neustroev, V.; Nigro, C.; Nikolić, L.; Nishijima, K.; Njoh Ekoume, T.; Noda, K.; Nozaki, S.; Ohtani, Y.; Okumura, A.; Otero-Santos, J.; Paiano, S.; Palatiello, M.; Paneque, D.; Paoletti, R.; Paredes, J. M.; Pavlović, D.; Persic, M.; Pihet, M.; Pirola, G.; Podobnik, F.; Prada Moroni, P. G.; Prandini, E.; Principe, G.; Priyadarshi, C.; Rhode, W.; Ribó, M.; Rico, J.; Righi, C.; Sahakyan, N.; Saito, T.; Satalecka, K.; Saturni, F. G.; Schleicher, B.; Schmidt, K.; Schmuckermaier, F.; Schubert, J. L.; Schweizer, T.; Sciaccaluga, A.; Sitarek, J.; Spolon, A.; Stamerra, A.; Strišković, J.; Strom, D.; Suda, Y.; Tajima, H.; Takeishi, R.; Tavecchio, F.; Temnikov, P.; Terauchi, K.; Terzić, T.; Teshima, M.; Tosti, L.; Truzzi, S.; Tutone, A.; Ubach, S.; van Scherpenberg, J.; Ventura, S.; Verguilov, V.; Viale, I.; Vigorito, C. F.; Vitale, V.; Walter, R.; Wunderlich, C.; Yamamoto, T.; Perri, M.; Verrecchia, F.; Leto, C.; Das, S.; Chatterjee, R.; Raiteri, C. M.; Villata, M.; Semkov, E.; Ibryamov, S.; Bachev, R.; Strigachev, A.; Damljanovic, G.; Vince, O.; Jovanovic, M. D.; Stojanovic, M.; Larionov, V. M.; Grishina, T. S.; Kopatskaya, E. N.; Larionova, E. G.; Morozova, D. A.; Savchenko, S. S.; Troitskiy, I. S.; Troitskaya, Y. V.; Vasilyev, A. A.; Chen, W. P.; Hou, W. J.; Lin, C. S.; Tsai, A.; Jorstad, S. G.; Weaver, Z. R.; Acosta-Pulido, J. A.; Carnerero, M. I.; Carosati, D.; Kurtanidze, S. O.; Kurtanidze, O. M.; Jordan, B.; Ivanidze, R. Z.; Gazeas, K.; Vrontaki, K.; Hovatta, T.; Liodakis, I.; Readhead, A. C. S.; Kiehlmann, S.; Zheng, W.; Filippenko, A. V.; Fallah Ramazani, V.

In: ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS, Vol. 682, A114, 09.02.2024.

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Abe, H, Abe, S, Acciari, VA, Agudo, I, Aniello, T, Ansoldi, S, Antonelli, LA, Arbet Engels, A, Arcaro, C, Artero, M, Asano, K, Baack, D, Babić, A, Baquero, A, Barres de Almeida, U, Batković, I, Baxter, J, Becerra González, J, Bernardini, E, Bernete, J, Berti, A, Besenrieder, J, Bigongiari, C, Biland, A, Blanch, O, Bonnoli, G, Bošnjak, Ž, Burelli, I, Busetto, G, Campoy-Ordaz, A, Carosi, A, Carosi, R, Carretero-Castrillo, M, Castro-Tirado, AJ, Chai, Y, Cifuentes, A, Cikota, S, Colombo, E, Contreras, JL, Cortina, J, Covino, S, D’Amico, G, D’Ammando, F, D’Elia, V, Da Vela, P, Dazzi, F, De Angelis, A, De Lotto, B, Del Popolo, A, Delfino, M, Delgado, J, Delgado Mendez, C, Depaoli, D, Di Pierro, F, Di Venere, L, Dominis Prester, D, Dorner, D, Doro, M, Elsaesser, D, Emery, G, Escudero, J, Fariña, L, Fattorini, A, Foffano, L, Font, L, Fukami, S, Fukazawa, Y, García López, RJ, Gasparyan, S, Gaug, M, Giesbrecht Paiva, JG, Giglietto, N, Giordano, F, Gliwny, P, Grau, R, Green, JG, Hadasch, D, Hahn, A, Heckmann, L, Herrera, J, Hrupec, D, Hütten, M, Imazawa, R, Inada, T, Iotov, R, Ishio, K, Jiménez Martínez, I, Jormanainen, J, Kerszberg, D, Kluge, GW, Kobayashi, Y, Kouch, PM, Kubo, H, Kushida, J, Láinez Lezáun, M, Lamastra, A, Leone, F, Lindfors, E, Linhoff, L, Lombardi, S, Longo, F, López-Moya, M, López-Oramas, A, Loporchio, S, Lorini, A, Machado de Oliveira Fraga, B, Majumdar, P, Makariev, M, Maneva, G, Mang, N, Manganaro, M, Mariotti, M, Martínez, M, Martínez-Chicharro, M, Mas-Aguilar, A, Mazin, D, Menchiari, S, Mender, S, Miceli, D, Miener, T, Miranda, JM, Mirzoyan, R, Molero González, M, Molina, E, Mondal, HA, Moralejo, A, Morcuende, D, Nakamori, T, Nanci, C, Neustroev, V, Nigro, C, Nikolić, L, Nishijima, K, Njoh Ekoume, T, Noda, K, Nozaki, S, Ohtani, Y, Okumura, A, Otero-Santos, J, Paiano, S, Palatiello, M, Paneque, D, Paoletti, R, Paredes, JM, Pavlović, D, Persic, M, Pihet, M, Pirola, G, Podobnik, F, Prada Moroni, PG, Prandini, E, Principe, G, Priyadarshi, C, Rhode, W, Ribó, M, Rico, J, Righi, C, Sahakyan, N, Saito, T, Satalecka, K, Saturni, FG, Schleicher, B, Schmidt, K, Schmuckermaier, F, Schubert, JL, Schweizer, T, Sciaccaluga, A, Sitarek, J, Spolon, A, Stamerra, A, Strišković, J, Strom, D, Suda, Y, Tajima, H, Takeishi, R, Tavecchio, F, Temnikov, P, Terauchi, K, Terzić, T, Teshima, M, Tosti, L, Truzzi, S, Tutone, A, Ubach, S, van Scherpenberg, J, Ventura, S, Verguilov, V, Viale, I, Vigorito, CF, Vitale, V, Walter, R, Wunderlich, C, Yamamoto, T, Perri, M, Verrecchia, F, Leto, C, Das, S, Chatterjee, R, Raiteri, CM, Villata, M, Semkov, E, Ibryamov, S, Bachev, R, Strigachev, A, Damljanovic, G, Vince, O, Jovanovic, MD, Stojanovic, M, Larionov, VM, Grishina, TS, Kopatskaya, EN, Larionova, EG, Morozova, DA, Savchenko, SS, Troitskiy, IS, Troitskaya, YV, Vasilyev, AA, Chen, WP, Hou, WJ, Lin, CS, Tsai, A, Jorstad, SG, Weaver, ZR, Acosta-Pulido, JA, Carnerero, MI, Carosati, D, Kurtanidze, SO, Kurtanidze, OM, Jordan, B, Ivanidze, RZ, Gazeas, K, Vrontaki, K, Hovatta, T, Liodakis, I, Readhead, ACS, Kiehlmann, S, Zheng, W, Filippenko, AV & Fallah Ramazani, V 2024, 'Multi-year characterisation of the broad-band emission from the intermittent extreme BL Lac 1ES 2344+514', ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS, vol. 682, A114.


Abe, H., Abe, S., Acciari, V. A., Agudo, I., Aniello, T., Ansoldi, S., Antonelli, L. A., Arbet Engels, A., Arcaro, C., Artero, M., Asano, K., Baack, D., Babić, A., Baquero, A., Barres de Almeida, U., Batković, I., Baxter, J., Becerra González, J., Bernardini, E., ... Fallah Ramazani, V. (2024). Multi-year characterisation of the broad-band emission from the intermittent extreme BL Lac 1ES 2344+514. ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS, 682, [A114].


Abe H, Abe S, Acciari VA, Agudo I, Aniello T, Ansoldi S et al. Multi-year characterisation of the broad-band emission from the intermittent extreme BL Lac 1ES 2344+514. ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS. 2024 Feb 9;682. A114.


Abe, H. ; Abe, S. ; Acciari, V. A. ; Agudo, I. ; Aniello, T. ; Ansoldi, S. ; Antonelli, L. A. ; Arbet Engels, A. ; Arcaro, C. ; Artero, M. ; Asano, K. ; Baack, D. ; Babić, A. ; Baquero, A. ; Barres de Almeida, U. ; Batković, I. ; Baxter, J. ; Becerra González, J. ; Bernardini, E. ; Bernete, J. ; Berti, A. ; Besenrieder, J. ; Bigongiari, C. ; Biland, A. ; Blanch, O. ; Bonnoli, G. ; Bošnjak, Ž. ; Burelli, I. ; Busetto, G. ; Campoy-Ordaz, A. ; Carosi, A. ; Carosi, R. ; Carretero-Castrillo, M. ; Castro-Tirado, A. J. ; Chai, Y. ; Cifuentes, A. ; Cikota, S. ; Colombo, E. ; Contreras, J. L. ; Cortina, J. ; Covino, S. ; D’Amico, G. ; D’Ammando, F. ; D’Elia, V. ; Da Vela, P. ; Dazzi, F. ; De Angelis, A. ; De Lotto, B. ; Del Popolo, A. ; Delfino, M. ; Delgado, J. ; Delgado Mendez, C. ; Depaoli, D. ; Di Pierro, F. ; Di Venere, L. ; Dominis Prester, D. ; Dorner, D. ; Doro, M. ; Elsaesser, D. ; Emery, G. ; Escudero, J. ; Fariña, L. ; Fattorini, A. ; Foffano, L. ; Font, L. ; Fukami, S. ; Fukazawa, Y. ; García López, R. J. ; Gasparyan, S. ; Gaug, M. ; Giesbrecht Paiva, J. G. ; Giglietto, N. ; Giordano, F. ; Gliwny, P. ; Grau, R. ; Green, J. G. ; Hadasch, D. ; Hahn, A. ; Heckmann, L. ; Herrera, J. ; Hrupec, D. ; Hütten, M. ; Imazawa, R. ; Inada, T. ; Iotov, R. ; Ishio, K. ; Jiménez Martínez, I. ; Jormanainen, J. ; Kerszberg, D. ; Kluge, G. W. ; Kobayashi, Y. ; Kouch, P. M. ; Kubo, H. ; Kushida, J. ; Láinez Lezáun, M. ; Lamastra, A. ; Leone, F. ; Lindfors, E. ; Linhoff, L. ; Lombardi, S. ; Longo, F. ; López-Moya, M. ; López-Oramas, A. ; Loporchio, S. ; Lorini, A. ; Machado de Oliveira Fraga, B. ; Majumdar, P. ; Makariev, M. ; Maneva, G. ; Mang, N. ; Manganaro, M. ; Mariotti, M. ; Martínez, M. ; Martínez-Chicharro, M. ; Mas-Aguilar, A. ; Mazin, D. ; Menchiari, S. ; Mender, S. ; Miceli, D. ; Miener, T. ; Miranda, J. M. ; Mirzoyan, R. ; Molero González, M. ; Molina, E. ; Mondal, H. A. ; Moralejo, A. ; Morcuende, D. ; Nakamori, T. ; Nanci, C. ; Neustroev, V. ; Nigro, C. ; Nikolić, L. ; Nishijima, K. ; Njoh Ekoume, T. ; Noda, K. ; Nozaki, S. ; Ohtani, Y. ; Okumura, A. ; Otero-Santos, J. ; Paiano, S. ; Palatiello, M. ; Paneque, D. ; Paoletti, R. ; Paredes, J. M. ; Pavlović, D. ; Persic, M. ; Pihet, M. ; Pirola, G. ; Podobnik, F. ; Prada Moroni, P. G. ; Prandini, E. ; Principe, G. ; Priyadarshi, C. ; Rhode, W. ; Ribó, M. ; Rico, J. ; Righi, C. ; Sahakyan, N. ; Saito, T. ; Satalecka, K. ; Saturni, F. G. ; Schleicher, B. ; Schmidt, K. ; Schmuckermaier, F. ; Schubert, J. L. ; Schweizer, T. ; Sciaccaluga, A. ; Sitarek, J. ; Spolon, A. ; Stamerra, A. ; Strišković, J. ; Strom, D. ; Suda, Y. ; Tajima, H. ; Takeishi, R. ; Tavecchio, F. ; Temnikov, P. ; Terauchi, K. ; Terzić, T. ; Teshima, M. ; Tosti, L. ; Truzzi, S. ; Tutone, A. ; Ubach, S. ; van Scherpenberg, J. ; Ventura, S. ; Verguilov, V. ; Viale, I. ; Vigorito, C. F. ; Vitale, V. ; Walter, R. ; Wunderlich, C. ; Yamamoto, T. ; Perri, M. ; Verrecchia, F. ; Leto, C. ; Das, S. ; Chatterjee, R. ; Raiteri, C. M. ; Villata, M. ; Semkov, E. ; Ibryamov, S. ; Bachev, R. ; Strigachev, A. ; Damljanovic, G. ; Vince, O. ; Jovanovic, M. D. ; Stojanovic, M. ; Larionov, V. M. ; Grishina, T. S. ; Kopatskaya, E. N. ; Larionova, E. G. ; Morozova, D. A. ; Savchenko, S. S. ; Troitskiy, I. S. ; Troitskaya, Y. V. ; Vasilyev, A. A. ; Chen, W. P. ; Hou, W. J. ; Lin, C. S. ; Tsai, A. ; Jorstad, S. G. ; Weaver, Z. R. ; Acosta-Pulido, J. A. ; Carnerero, M. I. ; Carosati, D. ; Kurtanidze, S. O. ; Kurtanidze, O. M. ; Jordan, B. ; Ivanidze, R. Z. ; Gazeas, K. ; Vrontaki, K. ; Hovatta, T. ; Liodakis, I. ; Readhead, A. C. S. ; Kiehlmann, S. ; Zheng, W. ; Filippenko, A. V. ; Fallah Ramazani, V. / Multi-year characterisation of the broad-band emission from the intermittent extreme BL Lac 1ES 2344+514. In: ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS. 2024 ; Vol. 682.


title = "Multi-year characterisation of the broad-band emission from the intermittent extreme BL Lac 1ES 2344+514",
abstract = "The BL Lac 1ES 2344+514 is known for temporary extreme properties (e.g., a shift of the synchrotron SED peak energy $\nu_{synch,p}$ above 1keV). While those extreme states were so far observed only during high flux levels, additional multi-year observing campaigns are required to achieve a coherent picture. Here, we report the longest investigation of the source from radio to VHE performed so far, focusing on a systematic characterisation of the intermittent extreme states. While our results confirm that 1ES 2344+514 typically exhibits $\nu_{synch,p}>$1keV during elevated flux periods, we also find periods where the extreme state coincides with low flux activity. A strong spectral variability thus happens in the quiescent state, and is likely caused by an increase of the electron acceleration efficiency without a change in the electron injection luminosity. We also report a strong X-ray flare (among the brightest for 1ES 2344+514) without a significant shift of $\nu_{synch,p}$. During this particular flare, the X-ray spectrum is among the softest of the campaign. It unveils complexity in the spectral evolution, where the common harder-when-brighter trend observed in BL Lacs is violated. During a low and hard X-ray state, we find an excess of the UV flux with respect to an extrapolation of the X-ray spectrum to lower energies. This UV excess implies that at least two regions contribute significantly to the infrared/optical/ultraviolet/X-ray emission. Using the simultaneous MAGIC, XMM-Newton, NuSTAR, and AstroSat observations, we argue that a region possibly associated with the 10 GHz radio core may explain such an excess. Finally, we investigate a VHE flare, showing an absence of simultaneous variability in the 0.3-2keV band. Using a time-dependent leptonic modelling, we show that this behaviour, in contradiction to single-zone scenarios, can instead be explained by a two-component model.",
author = "H. Abe and S. Abe and Acciari, {V. A.} and I. Agudo and T. Aniello and S. Ansoldi and Antonelli, {L. A.} and {Arbet Engels}, A. and C. Arcaro and M. Artero and K. Asano and D. Baack and A. Babi{\'c} and A. Baquero and {Barres de Almeida}, U. and I. Batkovi{\'c} and J. Baxter and {Becerra Gonz{\'a}lez}, J. and E. Bernardini and J. Bernete and A. Berti and J. Besenrieder and C. Bigongiari and A. Biland and O. Blanch and G. Bonnoli and {\v Z}. Bo{\v s}njak and I. Burelli and G. Busetto and A. Campoy-Ordaz and A. Carosi and R. Carosi and M. Carretero-Castrillo and Castro-Tirado, {A. J.} and Y. Chai and A. Cifuentes and S. Cikota and E. Colombo and Contreras, {J. L.} and J. Cortina and S. Covino and G. D{\textquoteright}Amico and F. D{\textquoteright}Ammando and V. D{\textquoteright}Elia and {Da Vela}, P. and F. Dazzi and {De Angelis}, A. and {De Lotto}, B. and {Del Popolo}, A. and M. Delfino and J. Delgado and {Delgado Mendez}, C. and D. Depaoli and {Di Pierro}, F. and {Di Venere}, L. and {Dominis Prester}, D. and D. Dorner and M. Doro and D. Elsaesser and G. Emery and J. Escudero and L. Fari{\~n}a and A. Fattorini and L. Foffano and L. Font and S. Fukami and Y. Fukazawa and {Garc{\'i}a L{\'o}pez}, {R. J.} and S. Gasparyan and M. Gaug and {Giesbrecht Paiva}, {J. G.} and N. Giglietto and F. Giordano and P. Gliwny and R. Grau and Green, {J. G.} and D. Hadasch and A. Hahn and L. Heckmann and J. Herrera and D. Hrupec and M. H{\"u}tten and R. Imazawa and T. Inada and R. Iotov and K. Ishio and {Jim{\'e}nez Mart{\'i}nez}, I. and J. Jormanainen and D. Kerszberg and Kluge, {G. W.} and Y. Kobayashi and Kouch, {P. M.} and H. Kubo and J. Kushida and {L{\'a}inez Lez{\'a}un}, M. and A. Lamastra and F. Leone and E. Lindfors and L. Linhoff and S. Lombardi and F. Longo and M. L{\'o}pez-Moya and A. L{\'o}pez-Oramas and S. Loporchio and A. Lorini and {Machado de Oliveira Fraga}, B. and P. Majumdar and M. Makariev and G. Maneva and N. Mang and M. Manganaro and M. Mariotti and M. Mart{\'i}nez and M. Mart{\'i}nez-Chicharro and A. Mas-Aguilar and D. Mazin and S. Menchiari and S. Mender and D. Miceli and T. Miener and Miranda, {J. M.} and R. Mirzoyan and {Molero Gonz{\'a}lez}, M. and E. Molina and Mondal, {H. A.} and A. Moralejo and D. Morcuende and T. Nakamori and C. Nanci and V. Neustroev and C. Nigro and L. Nikoli{\'c} and K. Nishijima and {Njoh Ekoume}, T. and K. Noda and S. Nozaki and Y. Ohtani and A. Okumura and J. Otero-Santos and S. Paiano and M. Palatiello and D. Paneque and R. Paoletti and Paredes, {J. M.} and D. Pavlovi{\'c} and M. Persic and M. Pihet and G. Pirola and F. Podobnik and {Prada Moroni}, {P. G.} and E. Prandini and G. Principe and C. Priyadarshi and W. Rhode and M. Rib{\'o} and J. Rico and C. Righi and N. Sahakyan and T. Saito and K. Satalecka and Saturni, {F. G.} and B. Schleicher and K. Schmidt and F. Schmuckermaier and Schubert, {J. L.} and T. Schweizer and A. Sciaccaluga and J. Sitarek and A. Spolon and A. Stamerra and J. Stri{\v s}kovi{\'c} and D. Strom and Y. Suda and H. Tajima and R. Takeishi and F. Tavecchio and P. Temnikov and K. Terauchi and T. Terzi{\'c} and M. Teshima and L. Tosti and S. Truzzi and A. Tutone and S. Ubach and {van Scherpenberg}, J. and S. Ventura and V. Verguilov and I. Viale and Vigorito, {C. F.} and V. Vitale and R. Walter and C. Wunderlich and T. Yamamoto and M. Perri and F. Verrecchia and C. Leto and S. Das and R. Chatterjee and Raiteri, {C. M.} and M. Villata and E. Semkov and S. Ibryamov and R. Bachev and A. Strigachev and G. Damljanovic and O. Vince and Jovanovic, {M. D.} and M. Stojanovic and Larionov, {V. M.} and Grishina, {T. S.} and Kopatskaya, {E. N.} and Larionova, {E. G.} and Morozova, {D. A.} and Savchenko, {S. S.} and Troitskiy, {I. S.} and Troitskaya, {Y. V.} and Vasilyev, {A. A.} and Chen, {W. P.} and Hou, {W. J.} and Lin, {C. S.} and A. Tsai and Jorstad, {S. G.} and Weaver, {Z. R.} and Acosta-Pulido, {J. A.} and Carnerero, {M. I.} and D. Carosati and Kurtanidze, {S. O.} and Kurtanidze, {O. M.} and B. Jordan and Ivanidze, {R. Z.} and K. Gazeas and K. Vrontaki and T. Hovatta and I. Liodakis and Readhead, {A. C. S.} and S. Kiehlmann and W. Zheng and Filippenko, {A. V.} and {Fallah Ramazani}, V.",
year = "2024",
month = feb,
day = "9",
doi = "10.1051/0004-6361/202347845",
language = "English",
volume = "682",
issn = "0004-6361",
publisher = "EDP Sciences",




T1 - Multi-year characterisation of the broad-band emission from the intermittent extreme BL Lac 1ES 2344+514

AU - Abe, H.

AU - Abe, S.

AU - Acciari, V. A.

AU - Agudo, I.

AU - Aniello, T.

AU - Ansoldi, S.

AU - Antonelli, L. A.

AU - Arbet Engels, A.

AU - Arcaro, C.

AU - Artero, M.

AU - Asano, K.

AU - Baack, D.

AU - Babić, A.

AU - Baquero, A.

AU - Barres de Almeida, U.

AU - Batković, I.

AU - Baxter, J.

AU - Becerra González, J.

AU - Bernardini, E.

AU - Bernete, J.

AU - Berti, A.

AU - Besenrieder, J.

AU - Bigongiari, C.

AU - Biland, A.

AU - Blanch, O.

AU - Bonnoli, G.

AU - Bošnjak, Ž.

AU - Burelli, I.

AU - Busetto, G.

AU - Campoy-Ordaz, A.

AU - Carosi, A.

AU - Carosi, R.

AU - Carretero-Castrillo, M.

AU - Castro-Tirado, A. J.

AU - Chai, Y.

AU - Cifuentes, A.

AU - Cikota, S.

AU - Colombo, E.

AU - Contreras, J. L.

AU - Cortina, J.

AU - Covino, S.

AU - D’Amico, G.

AU - D’Ammando, F.

AU - D’Elia, V.

AU - Da Vela, P.

AU - Dazzi, F.

AU - De Angelis, A.

AU - De Lotto, B.

AU - Del Popolo, A.

AU - Delfino, M.

AU - Delgado, J.

AU - Delgado Mendez, C.

AU - Depaoli, D.

AU - Di Pierro, F.

AU - Di Venere, L.

AU - Dominis Prester, D.

AU - Dorner, D.

AU - Doro, M.

AU - Elsaesser, D.

AU - Emery, G.

AU - Escudero, J.

AU - Fariña, L.

AU - Fattorini, A.

AU - Foffano, L.

AU - Font, L.

AU - Fukami, S.

AU - Fukazawa, Y.

AU - García López, R. J.

AU - Gasparyan, S.

AU - Gaug, M.

AU - Giesbrecht Paiva, J. G.

AU - Giglietto, N.

AU - Giordano, F.

AU - Gliwny, P.

AU - Grau, R.

AU - Green, J. G.

AU - Hadasch, D.

AU - Hahn, A.

AU - Heckmann, L.

AU - Herrera, J.

AU - Hrupec, D.

AU - Hütten, M.

AU - Imazawa, R.

AU - Inada, T.

AU - Iotov, R.

AU - Ishio, K.

AU - Jiménez Martínez, I.

AU - Jormanainen, J.

AU - Kerszberg, D.

AU - Kluge, G. W.

AU - Kobayashi, Y.

AU - Kouch, P. M.

AU - Kubo, H.

AU - Kushida, J.

AU - Láinez Lezáun, M.

AU - Lamastra, A.

AU - Leone, F.

AU - Lindfors, E.

AU - Linhoff, L.

AU - Lombardi, S.

AU - Longo, F.

AU - López-Moya, M.

AU - López-Oramas, A.

AU - Loporchio, S.

AU - Lorini, A.

AU - Machado de Oliveira Fraga, B.

AU - Majumdar, P.

AU - Makariev, M.

AU - Maneva, G.

AU - Mang, N.

AU - Manganaro, M.

AU - Mariotti, M.

AU - Martínez, M.

AU - Martínez-Chicharro, M.

AU - Mas-Aguilar, A.

AU - Mazin, D.

AU - Menchiari, S.

AU - Mender, S.

AU - Miceli, D.

AU - Miener, T.

AU - Miranda, J. M.

AU - Mirzoyan, R.

AU - Molero González, M.

AU - Molina, E.

AU - Mondal, H. A.

AU - Moralejo, A.

AU - Morcuende, D.

AU - Nakamori, T.

AU - Nanci, C.

AU - Neustroev, V.

AU - Nigro, C.

AU - Nikolić, L.

AU - Nishijima, K.

AU - Njoh Ekoume, T.

AU - Noda, K.

AU - Nozaki, S.

AU - Ohtani, Y.

AU - Okumura, A.

AU - Otero-Santos, J.

AU - Paiano, S.

AU - Palatiello, M.

AU - Paneque, D.

AU - Paoletti, R.

AU - Paredes, J. M.

AU - Pavlović, D.

AU - Persic, M.

AU - Pihet, M.

AU - Pirola, G.

AU - Podobnik, F.

AU - Prada Moroni, P. G.

AU - Prandini, E.

AU - Principe, G.

AU - Priyadarshi, C.

AU - Rhode, W.

AU - Ribó, M.

AU - Rico, J.

AU - Righi, C.

AU - Sahakyan, N.

AU - Saito, T.

AU - Satalecka, K.

AU - Saturni, F. G.

AU - Schleicher, B.

AU - Schmidt, K.

AU - Schmuckermaier, F.

AU - Schubert, J. L.

AU - Schweizer, T.

AU - Sciaccaluga, A.

AU - Sitarek, J.

AU - Spolon, A.

AU - Stamerra, A.

AU - Strišković, J.

AU - Strom, D.

AU - Suda, Y.

AU - Tajima, H.

AU - Takeishi, R.

AU - Tavecchio, F.

AU - Temnikov, P.

AU - Terauchi, K.

AU - Terzić, T.

AU - Teshima, M.

AU - Tosti, L.

AU - Truzzi, S.

AU - Tutone, A.

AU - Ubach, S.

AU - van Scherpenberg, J.

AU - Ventura, S.

AU - Verguilov, V.

AU - Viale, I.

AU - Vigorito, C. F.

AU - Vitale, V.

AU - Walter, R.

AU - Wunderlich, C.

AU - Yamamoto, T.

AU - Perri, M.

AU - Verrecchia, F.

AU - Leto, C.

AU - Das, S.

AU - Chatterjee, R.

AU - Raiteri, C. M.

AU - Villata, M.

AU - Semkov, E.

AU - Ibryamov, S.

AU - Bachev, R.

AU - Strigachev, A.

AU - Damljanovic, G.

AU - Vince, O.

AU - Jovanovic, M. D.

AU - Stojanovic, M.

AU - Larionov, V. M.

AU - Grishina, T. S.

AU - Kopatskaya, E. N.

AU - Larionova, E. G.

AU - Morozova, D. A.

AU - Savchenko, S. S.

AU - Troitskiy, I. S.

AU - Troitskaya, Y. V.

AU - Vasilyev, A. A.

AU - Chen, W. P.

AU - Hou, W. J.

AU - Lin, C. S.

AU - Tsai, A.

AU - Jorstad, S. G.

AU - Weaver, Z. R.

AU - Acosta-Pulido, J. A.

AU - Carnerero, M. I.

AU - Carosati, D.

AU - Kurtanidze, S. O.

AU - Kurtanidze, O. M.

AU - Jordan, B.

AU - Ivanidze, R. Z.

AU - Gazeas, K.

AU - Vrontaki, K.

AU - Hovatta, T.

AU - Liodakis, I.

AU - Readhead, A. C. S.

AU - Kiehlmann, S.

AU - Zheng, W.

AU - Filippenko, A. V.

AU - Fallah Ramazani, V.

PY - 2024/2/9

Y1 - 2024/2/9

N2 - The BL Lac 1ES 2344+514 is known for temporary extreme properties (e.g., a shift of the synchrotron SED peak energy $\nu_{synch,p}$ above 1keV). While those extreme states were so far observed only during high flux levels, additional multi-year observing campaigns are required to achieve a coherent picture. Here, we report the longest investigation of the source from radio to VHE performed so far, focusing on a systematic characterisation of the intermittent extreme states. While our results confirm that 1ES 2344+514 typically exhibits $\nu_{synch,p}>$1keV during elevated flux periods, we also find periods where the extreme state coincides with low flux activity. A strong spectral variability thus happens in the quiescent state, and is likely caused by an increase of the electron acceleration efficiency without a change in the electron injection luminosity. We also report a strong X-ray flare (among the brightest for 1ES 2344+514) without a significant shift of $\nu_{synch,p}$. During this particular flare, the X-ray spectrum is among the softest of the campaign. It unveils complexity in the spectral evolution, where the common harder-when-brighter trend observed in BL Lacs is violated. During a low and hard X-ray state, we find an excess of the UV flux with respect to an extrapolation of the X-ray spectrum to lower energies. This UV excess implies that at least two regions contribute significantly to the infrared/optical/ultraviolet/X-ray emission. Using the simultaneous MAGIC, XMM-Newton, NuSTAR, and AstroSat observations, we argue that a region possibly associated with the 10 GHz radio core may explain such an excess. Finally, we investigate a VHE flare, showing an absence of simultaneous variability in the 0.3-2keV band. Using a time-dependent leptonic modelling, we show that this behaviour, in contradiction to single-zone scenarios, can instead be explained by a two-component model.

AB - The BL Lac 1ES 2344+514 is known for temporary extreme properties (e.g., a shift of the synchrotron SED peak energy $\nu_{synch,p}$ above 1keV). While those extreme states were so far observed only during high flux levels, additional multi-year observing campaigns are required to achieve a coherent picture. Here, we report the longest investigation of the source from radio to VHE performed so far, focusing on a systematic characterisation of the intermittent extreme states. While our results confirm that 1ES 2344+514 typically exhibits $\nu_{synch,p}>$1keV during elevated flux periods, we also find periods where the extreme state coincides with low flux activity. A strong spectral variability thus happens in the quiescent state, and is likely caused by an increase of the electron acceleration efficiency without a change in the electron injection luminosity. We also report a strong X-ray flare (among the brightest for 1ES 2344+514) without a significant shift of $\nu_{synch,p}$. During this particular flare, the X-ray spectrum is among the softest of the campaign. It unveils complexity in the spectral evolution, where the common harder-when-brighter trend observed in BL Lacs is violated. During a low and hard X-ray state, we find an excess of the UV flux with respect to an extrapolation of the X-ray spectrum to lower energies. This UV excess implies that at least two regions contribute significantly to the infrared/optical/ultraviolet/X-ray emission. Using the simultaneous MAGIC, XMM-Newton, NuSTAR, and AstroSat observations, we argue that a region possibly associated with the 10 GHz radio core may explain such an excess. Finally, we investigate a VHE flare, showing an absence of simultaneous variability in the 0.3-2keV band. Using a time-dependent leptonic modelling, we show that this behaviour, in contradiction to single-zone scenarios, can instead be explained by a two-component model.

UR -

U2 - 10.1051/0004-6361/202347845

DO - 10.1051/0004-6361/202347845

M3 - Article

VL - 682



SN - 0004-6361

M1 - A114

ER -

ID: 116960338