The subject of this study is the interconnection between the current tumultuous stage in the life of Latin American multilateral structures and the broad security issues. In this vein, the paper considers three “cases” - limitations on the functionality of the South American Defense Council as the basis of the security community in the Unasur, the attempts of the Organization of American States to mitigate the Venezuelan crisis, and the interaction of Colombia and NATO. The contribution of the study is the articulation of its academic problem per se and its final conclusions on the fragmentation of the Latin American security space.
Original languageSpanish
Pages (from-to)5-26
Issue number3
StatePublished - 2020

    Research areas

  • América Latina, Brasil, brazil, Colombia, integración regional, Latin America, multidimensional security, OAs, OEA, regional integration, seguridad multidimensional, UNASUR, Venezuela, Бразилия, Венесуэла, Колумбия, латинская Америка, многомерная безопасность, ОАГ, региональная интеграция, Унасур

ID: 78571030