This paper presents the analysis of the concept of ‘multiculturalism’, highlighting its complex structure, which consists of the real phenomenon of contemporary life, scientific theory, ideology and policy. It reveals the discrepancy in the content of these components and discloses manifold reasons for the failure of the policy of multiculturalism, based on the inconsistency of the neoliberal ideology, its one-sidedness. This research also shows the interrelation and contradiction between various elements of culture of the epistemic, social and cultural nature. The authors believe that the abandonment of the policy of multiculturalism does not mean the elimination of the cultural diversity of the surrounding world, which is objectively the basis for the human progress.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)10777 -10787
JournalInternational Journal of Environmental and Science Education
Issue number18
StatePublished - 2016

    Research areas

  • Multiculturalism, neoliberalism, cultural and national autonomy, theory of civilization, civilization of the East and the West

ID: 7617951