Chemically homogeneous stellar models (X = 0.70, Y = 0.27, Z = 0.03) in the 0.15-125 solar-mass range are calculated. The structure of the models is examined, and the dependence of the following model parameters on the mass is discussed: luminosity, radius, density, temperature and pressure at the center, gravitational energy, moment of inertia, potential at the center, and effective temperature. The models considered are compared with polytropic and homologous models of chemically homogeneous stars.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)25-41
JournalТруды астрономической обсерватории ЛГУ. Серия математических наук
StatePublished - 1985

    Research areas

  • Chemical Composition, Main Sequence Stars, Stellar Mass, Stellar Models, Plasma Density, Stellar Luminosity, Stellar Structure, Stellar Temperature

ID: 42891264