FEM model (2D and 3D) to simulate dynamic deformations of railroad embankment and underlying soil is presented. Numerical modeling is performed for the railway embankment geometry used in Russian Federation. Loading conditions were corresponding to forces created by SAPSAN (Siemens Velaro RUS) high-speed train and TGV train. Since there was no possibility to experimentally measure displacements and accelerations inside ballast layer induced by SAPSAN train, the numerical model was validated using experimentally measured displacements and accelerations exited inside the railway embankment by cargo train traveling at several different speeds (20-120 km/h). The validated model was used in order to predict displacements and accelerations induced in the ballast layer by high-speed moving (50-315 km/h) SAPSAN train.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)69-77
Number of pages9
Issue number1
StatePublished - 2015

    Research areas

  • railroad embankment, dynamic deformations, FEM modelling

ID: 5772075