The intensities of submillimeter and millimeter continua, which are formed in LTE and depend linearly on temperature, may be able to provide a test of models of the Solar chromosphere. We have taken a collection of submillimeter and millimeter wave observed brightness temperatures Tb, of the quiet Sun from the literature and compared it with brightness temperatures computed from the standard static models of Fontenla, Avrett and Loeser (FAL) and the dynamic simulations of Carlsson & Stein (CS). The analysis of the dynamic simulations of Carlsson & Stein reveals that radio emission at millimeter wavelengths is extremely sensitive to dynamic processes in the chromosphere, if these are spatially and temporally resolved. The most striking result is that the dynamic picture of the solar internetwork chromosphere is consistent with currently available millimeter and submillimeter brightness observations. The spectrum obtained by averaging over the spectra from all time-steps of CS simulations provides a good fit to
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)747-756
JournalAstronomy and Astrophysics
Issue number2
StatePublished - 2004
Externally publishedYes

ID: 5093672