A linguocultural type is a recognizable image of representatives of a certain culture, it is a linguistic personality typified in the cultural aspect, a generalized idea of a person on the basis of relevant objective socially significant ethno and socio-specific characteristics of the behavior of such people. Millennials as a linguocultural type in general are distinguished by the features of communicative and speech behavior, a system of values and priorities. This makes it relevant to consider millennials as a linguocultural type of the modern epoch. Based on the study of the semantics and contexts of the use of the word "millennial", the prevailing notion that this generation is represented by individualists, skeptics, pragmatist is revealed. Raised on modern means of communication, such people appreciate the digital world, deny authority, and are able to grasp information on the fly. To identify the stereotypical perception of millennials in the linguistic consciousness of Russian speakers, a survey was conducted among representatives of different age groups. It was found out that the linguocultural type of "millennials" is dispersed, because it is not associated with a specific person or a narrow circle of personalities. In addition, the differentiating feature of this concept is that it is organized on the basis of an age criterion, therefore it is characterized by a certain blurriness and diffusion. The conceptual component of this linguocultural type is a generation born at the turn of the millennium and characterized by often contradictory features.