• Markus Kreutler
  • Susanne Fengler
  • Nastaran Asadi
  • Halyna Budivska
  • Layire Diop
  • Georgia Ertz
  • Daria Gigola
  • Eszter Katus
  • Denisa Kovacs
  • Michal Kuś
  • Filip Láb
  • Sandra Lábová
  • Johanna Mack
  • Scott Maier
  • Ana Pinto Martinho
  • Antonia Matei
  • Kaitlin C. Miller
  • Lisa Oppermann
  • Eva Pérez Vara
  • Gábor Polyák
  • Rajeev Ravisankar
  • Carlos Rodríguez Pérez
  • Dimitrina J. Semova
  • Dimitris Skleparis
  • Sergio Splendore
  • Adam Szynol
  • Décio Telo
  • Rrapo Zguri

Six years after the so-called 'refugee crisis' in 2015, the European Union remains divided on questions of migration and asylum policy. The issue also remains high on the agendas of the USA and Russia, two other key destination countries with immigration from Latin America and the Post-Soviet space. This article presents results from a comparative study of news coverage in 17 countries, focusing on 10 EU member states in Western and Central Eastern Europe (CEE), the USA and Russia. The intensity of coverage was remarkably different, with Hungary's and Germany's media standing out while Russian media displayed relatively low levels of coverage. Individual migrants and refugees were most visible in the two outlets from the USA. Media in CEE countries tended towards a more critical approach than media in Western Europe. However, differences between most countries' pairs of analyzed media outlets indicate a more pluralistic debate than frequently assumed.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)202-226
Number of pages25
JournalCentral European Journal of Communication
Issue number2
StatePublished - 22 Sep 2022

    Scopus subject areas

  • Communication

    Research areas

  • comparative analysis, journalism, media coverage, migration, refugee

ID: 100544657