A method for determining the velocity field parameters free from the distortions due to the
systematic variations of stellar parallaxes over the celestial sphere is proposed. The method is based on the approximation of parallaxes as a function of coordinates on the sphere using spherical harmonics and can be applied in those cases where the solar motion cannot be eliminated from the stellar proper motions. Numerical experiments have shown that our method is able to obtain accurate coordinates of the solar apex and to calculate the kinematic parameters of the Ogorodnikov–Milne model to within three coefficients of the decomposition of parallaxes into first-order spherical harmonics. Examples of applying the method to the stellar proper motions of the Hipparcos catalogue, which admits checking the results using trigonometric parallaxes, are provided. Such a check has been found to yield a positive result only for nearby stars at heliocentric distances that do not exceed 400 pc and for which the parallaxes were