From the spectra of the Earth's limb outgoing radiation in the 10-μm range measured in the CRISTA-1 space experiment (November 1994), vertical ozone profiles of the upper stratosphere and of the mesosphere are obtained on a quasi-global scale by a method taking into account the effect of breakdown of local thermodynamic equilibrium. The data of daytime, nighttime, and twilight observations are presented and analyzed. The daytime and nighttime ozone mixing ratios in the upper stratosphere (40-55 km) were virtually identical in the latitudinal belt under study during the entire period of observations. Above 55 km, the ozone contents are significantly higher in the nighttime than in the daytime. At 90 km, the daytime and nighttime mean ozone mixing ratios are equal to 2 and 9.8 ppm, respectively. In the height range 40-70 km, the relative variations in the ozone mixing ratio are small (15-20%). Above 70 km in the nighttime and above 75 km in the daytime, the relative variations in the ozone content increase abruptly and reach maximum values of 100 to 120% at a height of about 80 km. It is shown that the ratios of the mean daytime to the mean nighttime ozone concentration resulting from this experiment, from the Microwave Limb Sounder measurements, and from simulations for the height range 55-70 km are in good agreement. The mean daytime and nighttime ozone profiles are compared to a number of simulated profiles. It is found that the nighttime ozone contents in the height range 85-90 km and the daytime ozone contents above 70 km that are obtained from CRISTA-1 experimental data are higher than the simulated ozone contents. Latitudinal variations are most clearly manifested above 70 km. In the daytime, the equatorial ozone content increases gradually at 50-60 km and abruptly at about 80 km. In the nighttime, the ozone content above 80 km increases from south to north and has a noticeable local maximum in the equatorial region (at 80 km, it occurs in the range between 0° and 20° N). In the height range 60-80 km, the ozone content depends more heavily on the solar zenith angle at sunset than at sunrise.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)191-202
Number of pages12
JournalIzvestiya - Atmospheric and Ocean Physics
Issue number2
StatePublished - 1 Mar 2005

    Scopus subject areas

  • Atmospheric Science
  • Oceanography

ID: 34926352