Chizhova Valeria, Savenysheva Svetlana, Vasilenko Viktoria. Mental development of Children aged 1-2 years, due to the relationship and interaction of mother and Child. // Abstract book of 16th European conference on developmental psychology. Lausanne: University de Lausanne, 2013. P. 299.
Translated title of the contributionПсихическое развитие детей 1-2 лет в связи с отношением и взаимодействием матери и ребенка
Original languageEnglish
StatePublished - 2013
Event16th European conference on developmental psychology - Университет Лозанны (University de Lausanne), Лозанна, Switzerland
Duration: 3 Sep 20137 Sep 2013


Conference16th European conference on developmental psychology
Abbreviated titleEADP 2013

    Research areas

  • mental development, mother-child relationship, mother-child interaction

ID: 25356200