
China during the strengthening of “soft power” attaches great importance to public diplomacy. On the one hand, public diplomacy is a tool, a channel of presentation, the implementation of “soft power”, and on the other hand, the successful functioning of public diplomacy strengthens the “soft power” of the country. Public diplomacy of the country unfolds in almost all areas: media, sports, art, cultural programs, politics, economics. In this study we are analyaing examples of public diplomacy, referred to by journalists in the the materials of “China Daily”.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)121-130
Number of pages10
JournalВек информации (сетевое издание)
Issue number2 (7)
StatePublished - 2019

    Research areas

  • "soft power", "мягкая сила", mass media, public diplomacy, публичная дипломатия, сми

ID: 78440644