Chemometric modeling is an important part of the modern analytical chemistry allowing reliable qualitative and quantitative analysis in numerous practically important tasks. Besides significant simplification and cost reduction of analytical procedures achieved through the application of chemometrics, there is a considerable green impact from the use of these methods. However, not so many reports evaluate the particular impact of the chemometric procedures on making the analysis green. Here we evaluate this impact using the popular Eco-Scale greenness score. A combination of chemometric methods with inexpensive spectroscopic, electroanalytical and other techniques eliminates the need in applying dangerous and environmentally unfriendly reagents and procedures. Based on the literature data from several representative case studies we have demonstrated that the Eco-Scale score in addressing particular analytical tasks can be improved up to 40 points through the use of chemometric-based methods. © 2024 Elsevier B.V.
Original languageEnglish
Article number117556
JournalTrAC - Trends in Analytical Chemistry
StatePublished - 1 Mar 2024

    Research areas

  • Chemometrics, Greenness metrics, Sample preparation, Spectrometry, Cost reduction, Analytical procedure, Chemometric method, Chemometric modeling, Chemometric procedures, Chemometrices, Costs reduction, Green-chemistry, Greenness metric, Qualitative and quantitative analysis, Sustainable chemistry, reagent, toxic substance, algorithm, biochemical analysis, chemical environment, chemical waste, chemometric analysis, comparative study, Eco Scale score, energy dispersive X ray fluorescence spectroscopy, green chemistry, high performance liquid chromatography, mathematics, methodology, near infrared spectroscopy, occupational hazard, optical spectroscopy, Review, scoring system, task performance

ID: 125643922