The work presents the results of a study on Lu-Hf systematization of zircons from rocks of the Shamanic ultramafic massif, which is part of the Baikal-Muya ophiolite belt. It is composed to varying degrees of serpentinized and dynamometamorphized harzburgites and dunites subordinate to them, which have a restitogenic nature. From a composite sample of these rocks weighing about 4 kg, 31 zircon grains 100-150 μm in size were extracted and sold by U-Pb. All these grains had a rounded shape and a rough surface. Most of them are characterized by a very low to complete absence of cathodoluminescent light intensity. According to the values of the isotopic age, the entire collection of zircons was divided into three clusters: a) “ancient” (3,049-1,189 Ma); b) “intermediate” (827-812 Ma); c) “young” (630-502 Ma). In representative mineral grains from these clusters, the parameters of their Lu-Hf isotopic systems were determined. Zircons from the “ancient” cluster are characterized by increased values of the parameter
Original languageRussian
Pages (from-to)42-49
JournalГеосферные исследования
Issue number3
StatePublished - 2019
Externally publishedYes

    Research areas

  • dunites, east Transbaikalia, harzburgites, Hf isotopic composition, ophiolites, U-Pb isotopic age, U-Pb изотопный возраст, zircons, Восточное Забайкалье, гарцбургиты, дуниты, изотопный состав Hf, офиолиты, цирконы

ID: 78407589