Late-Svecofennian deformation was investigated in the Bjensböle area of SW Finland. The deformation history was revealed by following marker horizons of amphibolite, marble and black schist, in addition to microscopic studies and U-Pb monazite geochronology. The D1 structures are transposed and overprinted by D2 structures. The mesoscopic F2 folds are tight to isoclinal with fold axes plunging 20-40°NE-ENE. Regional large-scale open F3 folds formed during the main D3 phase, and the macroscopic structure in Bjensböle is an F2-F3 interference pattern formed by N-S compression. The area consist of low P/high T amphibolite facies sillimanite gneiss and low P/low T amphibolite facies quartz schist, separated by a low P/low T amphibolite horizon in the central part of the area. The sillimanite gneiss yielded a U-Pb monazite age of 1824±5 Ma. This age gives a timing for the peak metamorphism and the D3 folding on the Kemiö Island. After the peak metamorphism some deformational structures developed. A NE-SW directed crenulation cleavage in the quartz schist and the amphibolite, small open folds in the marble, a foliation in the sillimanite gneiss and a muscovite orientation in the quartz schist all have the same direction. These structures are interpreted as late-stage D3 (D3L). The angle between the NE-SW directed D3L structures and the locally predominant S0 + S1 + S2 schistosity is ca. 25°. The structural evidence related to the D3L point to a dextral sense of shearing along roughly E-W directed zones with a NW-SE compression. This is related to a regional ductile shearing signifying the vaning stages of the late-Svecofennian transpressive deformation in SW Finland.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)129-137
Number of pages9
Issue number2
StatePublished - 2005
Externally publishedYes

    Scopus subject areas

  • Geology
  • Paleontology

    Research areas

  • Crenulation cleavage, Kemiö, Late-stage D, Late-svecofennian, Monazite, Quartz schist, Sillimanite gneiss, Sw finland, U-pb

ID: 93115097