• E. Rogozina
  • M. Kuznetsova
  • M. Patrikeyeva
  • S. Spiglazova
  • T. Smetanina
  • N. Semenova
  • Kenneth L. Deahl
The effects of a current Phytophthora infestans population in Russia on genotype of Mexican tuber-bearing Solanum species were assessed in field and laboratory trials. Two-year experiments documented disease progress in 78 accessions of 19 species under high infection pressure. Detached leaf tests conducted independently in laboratories of two scientific institutions identified the response of 19 species to isolates collected in different regions of Russia. As a whole, we characterized Solanum genotypes with a broad range of resistance to late blight.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationTwelfth EuroBlight workshop
StatePublished - 2010
EventTwelfth EuroBlight workshop - Arras , France
Duration: 3 May 20106 May 2010


ConferenceTwelfth EuroBlight workshop

    Research areas

  • Phytophthora infestans, late blight, Solanum species

ID: 4497909