• D. Samsonov
  • I. Tereschenko
  • E. Mukhin
  • Yu Kapustin
  • V. Filimonov
  • N. Babinov
  • A. Dmitriev
  • A. Nikolaev
  • I. Komarevtsev
  • A. Koval
  • A. Litvinov
  • G. Marchii
  • A. Razdobarin
  • L. Snigirev
  • S. Tolstyakov
  • G. Marinin
  • D. Terentev
  • A. Gorodetsky
  • R. Zalavutdinov
  • A. Markin
  • V. Bukhovets
  • I. Arkhipushkin
  • A. Borisov
  • V. Khripunov
  • V. Mikhailovskii
  • V. Modestov
  • I. Kirienko
  • I. Buslakov
  • P. Chernakov
  • A. Mokeev
  • M. Kempenaars
  • P. Shigin
  • E. Drapiko

The challenges of a large-scale mirror design for the in-vessel collection system of ITER divertor Thomson scattering (DTS) are under consideration. These are the mirrors located out-of-line vision of fusion plasma (so called 'second mirrors') with a high-reflective Ag-based coating. The paper outlines: approaches providing optical surface shape and angular position stability; Ag coating applicability for ITER in-vessel environment, including resistance to accidental steam ingress. The proposed solutions may also appear to be of some use in other ITER diagnostics and in diagnostics of other fusion devices.

Original languageEnglish
Article number086014
JournalNuclear Fusion
Issue number8
StatePublished - Aug 2022

    Research areas

  • ITER diagnostics, large-scale mirrors, long-term optical stability, protected silver coating

    Scopus subject areas

  • Nuclear and High Energy Physics
  • Condensed Matter Physics

ID: 99547028