Ice cover of the Kara Sea is main functional link in physico-geographical processes determining many features of its hydrological, meteorological and biological regimes. Its forming is usually determined by two principal stages in seasonal development: 1) autumnal-wintry period, during which the ice formation and growth of ice occur, and, 2) spring-summer one, when melting and destruction of ice occur. Common viewpoint shows that landscapes of the Kara Sea could be divided into: 1) water-ice item characterizing by covering of total sea area less than 50%, and, 2) ice-water, taken up to 50 and more percentages of sea surfaces. Both types of landscapes belong to non-stable system in which correlation between the open water and ice surface continuously vary. However, few relatively stable structures are very well observed in such distribution, namely: 1) fast ice, 2) flaw polynyas, 3) ice massive, and, 4) because of the considerable flow into Kara Sea with Ob` and Enisey rivers, it is reasonably to distinguish
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationProceedings of the 24th International Symposium on Okhotsk Sea and Sea Ice. Mombetsu, 15-19 February, 2009
PublisherThe Okhotsk Sea & Cold Ocean Research Association (OSCORA)
StatePublished - 2009
Externally publishedYes

ID: 4486370