The article focuses on the analysis of the contemporary development of Latin American social democracy. The author investigates an internal political differentiation of leftwing centrism indicating, at the same time, the existence of several currents within socialdemocracy (from radical one to social-reformist and social-liberal ones) and weighing the levels of interaction between various parties of center-left. In that area, he pays close attention to his participation in the activities of the Socialist International, Progressive Alliance, COPPPAL and the São Paulo Forum. By demonstrating similar attitudes and particularities in the positions of the Latin American center-left towards politics and institutions, the author concludes that many social-democratic parties manage to share faith in political pluralism with the demands of a direct democracy. Another approach to the text is the analysis of the center-left attitudes towards the issue of the unity of the left in general. Observing that social policy continues to be the strategical basis of the Latin American Left-Centrist parties, the author pays attention to several economic initiatives proposed by the Socialist parties and at the same time assesses their attitudes towards an international agenda.
Translated title of the contributionContemporary Social Democracy in Latin America: general features and particularities
Original languageSpanish
Pages (from-to)2965-2981
Number of pages17
Issue number49
StatePublished - 2020

    Research areas

  • social-democracy, left-center, parties, politics, Latin America

ID: 70961230