In the context of global transformation the classical approaches of art theory, aesthetics lose the ability to analyze the artistic product. On the one hand, the concepts of the avant-garde and philosophy of the 20th century gives rise to a strong theoretical base of aesthetics. On the other, the aesthetics (the highest result of culture) loses soil in connection with processes of actual artistic life and art. It is very difficult to find flowering of Fine Arts in actual practice. Such situation is typical for literature too. Moreover, the professionals have long discussed the profound crisis of cinema - of the youngest and powerful art of the twentieth century. Modern culture is visual culture. The new visual dominant of a culture is consequence of evolutionary trend to increasing data rate. Television is most clearly demonstrates the current situation. The average length of the frame of the TV - 3.5 seconds, the duration of a piece of news - 45 seconds. Eye has not time to think, there is always somet
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publication“Revision of Modern Aesthetics”. Proceedings of Conference of International Association of Aesthetics.
PublisherUniversity of Belgrade
StatePublished - 2015
Externally publishedYes

    Research areas

  • Evolution, Aesthetics, Visuality, Juvenile Culture, Neoteny, Mutations

ID: 4773661