A linguopraxiological approach proposes research of the specifics of speech systemic structure of professional styles in mass media that reflect dynamics of expanding effective professional activity in different situations of professional communication. An application of such a method became possible due to the elaborated in modern linguistics understanding of language as a tool of realization of speech activity, and of style as a form of presentation of some type of activity. The application of the praxeological method includes: 1) elaboration of texts typologies with a description of the algorithm of communicative actions in each text-type, 2) establishment of the criteria of the speech activity effectiveness and of diagnostic signs of communicative failures in a professional behaviour. With the reform of the legislative framework in Russia at the end of the ХХth and in the beginning of ХХI st centuries, with introduction of the principle of redress and judicial defense of infringed rights, due to the fact
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)402-407
JournalJournal of Language and Literature
Issue number2
StatePublished - 2015

    Research areas

  • linguistic praxiology, text structure meaning, intent as a component of the text structure meaning, prosecutor's professional style, communicative action, reasoning, compositional form

ID: 3970561