The research is devoted to joint working capital (WC) management in supply chains (SC) aiming to improve joint WC management methods through minimization of financial SC costs on WC using SC finance (SCF) solutions. Although in recent years the topic of SC finance has gained academic attention aiming at its applicability to financial SC management to relieve access to capital sources, there are uninvestigated areas such as managerial perspective of SCF solutions use. Thus, the research suggests the managerial algorithm that contains four developed models: the model of Collaborative cash conversion cycle (CCCC), two model of SCF solutions and the model of joint WC optimization. The models imply using such SCF solutions as Factoring, Reverse Factoring and Inventory Financing to improve joint WC in terms of costs on WC and liquidity of both SC members and entire SC and to provide the optimal conditions of SCF solutions use to achieve the results. Quantitative optimization with SCF solutions use demonstrates on the cases of SCs the improvement of financial position and liquidity of all SC members. The research has strong potential to de applied in businesses since the algorithm represents a comprehensive managerial tool for joint WC management in a SC. It may be used to achieve optimal cash conversion cycle values for minimal SC costs on WC constrained by liquidity and profitability target levels.
Original languageEnglish
StatePublished - 2019

    Research areas

  • РИНЦ

ID: 76389486