A new version of an easy-to-use tool for automated on-line development of interactive virtual physical systems has been created. The developed 3d models can be used in remote access mode and allow unlimited adjustments for practical and educational purposes. The use of applets for mass individual learning and early involvement of students in independent search work with elements of scientific research is discussed. The created software is based on the concept of physical object-oriented programming (FOOM), which is an extension of widely used object-oriented programming. The electronic generator is used to create a series of interactive simulators to accompany traditional and distance learning courses in physics and to organize the implementation of mini-research projects in the framework of open online courses (MOOC). The development is being tested as part of an experiment on the organization of an in-depth physics course for students of the Electrotechnical University "LETI".
Original languageRussian
Pages (from-to)24-27
JournalСовременное образование: содержание, технологии, качество
StatePublished - 2019
Externally publishedYes

    Research areas

  • automation of the education process, classical mechanics, individualized training, numerical modeling, object-oriented programming, relativistic mechanics, student research projects, автоматизация процесса обучения, индивидуализированное обучение, исследовательская работа учащихся, классическая механика, объектно-ориентированное программирование, релятивистская механика, численное моделирование

ID: 78582231