List of Illustrations
List of Maps
Chapter 1.
Russian Military Forces in the Sixteenth Century:
The Infrastructure of the Russian Army
Chapter 2.
Who Were the Enemies of Russia in the Sixteenth
Century? A Brief Review of Their Military Potential
Chapter 3.
The Russian Crusades: Ivan the Terrible
Against the Muslims
Chapter 4.
From Offence to Defence: The Military Policy
of Ivan the Terrible Against the Muslims in the 1560s and 1570s Chapter 5.
Ivan’s Baltic Wars
Chapter 6.
The Dispute Over Russian Lands
Ivan’s Policy Towards Poland and Lithuania in the
Third Quarter of the Sixteenth Century
Chapter 7.
The Military Disaster of Ivan the Terrible
Notes 267
Appendix I: Chronology
Appendix II: List of Rulers
Appendix III: Comparison of Eastern European Armies
of the Sixteenth Century
Index of People
Geographical Index