• Ali Adami
  • Nazanin Nazifi
  • Ареф Бижан
If the past to the present, the Middle East can be defined in one word, that word is "instability." Following the current challenges, the opening of relations between the two countries in the Middle East is more significant than other regional alliances: "Israel and Saudi Arabia". The main question is: to what extent Israel and Saudi Arabia have been able to succeed in balancing against Iran? it's assumed that; The factors that keep these two governments together are: concern over Iran's nuclear deal, It also reduced the presence and role of the United States in the region, Reduce the US presence and role in the region, And crises caused by extremism and the civil war in Syria. However, given the challenges of regional and trans-regional actors, the proximity of two governments is not a step towards consolidating a balanced alliance to isolate and confront Iran. Despite the commonalities and causative factors in the normalization of relations between the two countries more than before, According to Randall Schwedler's “Under balancing" theory can be said: The two countries have not been able to form a strong alliance especially against Iran as their common enemy.
Original languageUndefined
Article number57
Pages (from-to)189-216
Number of pages28
Journalstrategic Research of Politics
Issue number27
StatePublished - 2019

ID: 77177901