Abstract: The β-factor dependences on temperature upon 18O/16O substitution have been originally deduced in andalusite, sillimanite and kyanite accounting for pressure effect: 1000lnβand(18O/16O) = 10.66466x – 0.19330x2 + 0.00282x3 + P(0.12748x – 0.00289x2) 1000lnβsil(18O/16O) = 10.51480x – 0.17485x2 + 0.001406x3 + P(0.12124x – 0.00286x2) 1000lnβky(18O/16O) = 10.14019x – 0.07573x2 + 0.00550x3 + P(0.09907x – 0.00206x2), x = 106/T2 (K)–2, P is pressure (GPa). The relations can be used in isotope geothermometry. Pressure produces an increase of the β-factors and consequently, δ18OAI2SiOS up to ≈0.5‰ in conditions of the “cold” subduction (at extremely low dT/dP gradients).

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)235-237
Number of pages3
JournalDoklady Earth Sciences
Issue number2
StatePublished - 1 Apr 2020
Externally publishedYes

    Research areas

  • AlSiO, geothermometry, β-factors

    Scopus subject areas

  • Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous)
  • Earth and Planetary Sciences(all)

ID: 75949793