Although influential in philosophy and relevant to interna-tional political theory’s (IPT) key concerns, Donald Davidson has not received commensurate attention in IPT. I aim here to commence filling this gap. I explore Davidson’s insights which fruitfully challenge estab-lished disciplinary views. The notions of rationality, objectivity and truth, and, on the other hand, those of intersubjectivity, language and interpretation are often needlessly separated and constricted by seem-ingly alternative approaches. Davidson firmly reconnects these notions. He helps rethink the realist, strong post-positivist, but also liberal, ‘thin’ constructivist and critical (not thoroughly contextualist) approaches. He bridges the normative cosmopolitan–communitarian distinction. Eventually, Davidson laid foundations for a perspective foregrounding possibilities for rational communication and agreement between very different contexts and also for the non-dogmatic, pluralist and dynamic nature of communication itself.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)39-65
JournalTheoria A Journal of Social and Political Theory
Issue number167
StatePublished - 2021

    Research areas

  • communication, Donald Davidson, international political theory, interpretation, post-positivism, rationalism, rationality

ID: 78077915