There is quite a number of papers, concerning Intellectual Capital itself, research on why the company should disclose the information on Intellectual Capital (IC), in which way, who is the target audience and why this information is of interest to participants of stock market. Mainly research covers official annual reporting and separate IC Statements. Much less time and attention was dedicated to IPO prospectuses IC information disclosure and even less to post-issue stock performance in connection to the disclosure. This paper extends this line of investigation. It follows the existing research conducted by Singh and Van der Zahn (2009) in the index chosen and time of observation. Although, while the academics were concentrating on Singapore exchange, the focus of this paper are the IPOs of Technology companies on NASDAQ before and after the crisis 2008. Findings from this study provide a broader, long-term image of the potential consequences of Intellectual Capital disclosure in IPO prospectuses and share
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationProceedings of the International Conference on Intellectual Capital Knowledge Management & Organizational Learning
PublisherAcademic Conferences and Publishing International Limited
ISBN (Print)978-1-909507-79-1
StatePublished - 2013

    Research areas

  • intellectual capital, initial public offering (IPO), intellectual capital information disclosure, NASDAQ, technology companies, IPO prospectus

ID: 4707839