The article addresses the new practice of the Integrated Development of Territories (IDT) in furtherance of changes
in federal and regional legislation, following the adoption of Federal Law No. 494-FZ “On Amendments to the Urban Planning Code of the Russian Federation and Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation to ensure
the integrated development of territories”, December 2020. The article is based on the analysis of some provisions of these changes and the discussion that has begun in this regard at the regional level, in particular, in St.
Petersburg. The article highlights the main problems of both applied and fundamental issues of the discussion, including criteria for classifying residential areas subject to demolition due to IDT projects implementation, residential areas under the IDT zone, issues of determining the form and amount of compensation to owners and tenants
premises seized under the IDT, the expediency of IDT as a form of renovation of the housing stock, the issue of
invasion of property in the implementation of the IDT, and the role of the population as a subject of the IDT. Based
on the analysis, several proposals, aimed at improvement of legislation and IDT practices, were suggested.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)54-58
JournalНедвижимость: экономика, управление
Issue number1
StatePublished - 2023

    Research areas

  • integrated development of territories (IDT), Renovation, property, equivalent premises, market value, FAIR VALUE

    Scopus subject areas

  • Economics, Econometrics and Finance(all)

ID: 105181463